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The GUADEC 2021 call for participation is now open! More details on this year's #GUADEC, topic ideas, and where to submit your proposal can be found here:

All submissions are due on March 22.

@xerz Encryption only works if both parties are using a client that supports it.

Unless Gmail, Apple Mail, Outlook, etc. add this feature and make it the default there's no reason to use encrypted email over something like Signal or Matrix, because there is no network effect from being based on email.

You have to deal with all the cruft and baggage of a 50 year old system, but get none of the benefits.

What the F*** is #Microsoft doing in my Pi's apt sources list. This is some bitter irony - I use this almost exclusively for #Pihole. I was wondering what all the hype was about recently and now it's clear. Where can I find out more about why this has happened and what, if anything, is being done about it?

#bigtech #raspberrypi #debian #linux #surveillancecapitalism

Fourth generation of #SailfishOS is here! | #Jolla Blog

We’ve come a long way, since Sailfish OS was first introduced in 2013. Now as we enter the 4th generation with Sailfish OS, the secure platform for trusted mobile solutions, we can proudly say that our product is in great shape and ready to expand to new frontiers!  After Sailfish 3 was launched many big developments …

Updating my Jolla tablet. Tooter is a native Sailfish Mastodon app and is very nice to use. Tusky seems to want newer Android so is not installable. Still looking for a Matrix client as none of the ones on F-Droid run. #sailfishos #tooter

Crop circles... #Finland edition.

So pretty! ❄️❄️❄️

"Watch: Snowshoers make intricate snowflake patterns on Finnish golf course"

Happy Valentine's Day! Hyvää Ystävänpäivää!

Today I did something for my love of flying - I studied and took the test for piloting a drone. I'm now a competent drone pilot! 😄

@fosdem Thanks a lot #FOSDEM for considering @matrix #matrix as the #chat service integration for the virtual 🎉 conference, please do keep it for next year even if we have the physical conf. ❤️

Stumbled upon this today:

While the switch to the Snapdragon 662 is unlikely to negatively impact LineageOS and Ubuntu Touch (I hope), it‘s likely a major bummer for the mainline Linux story, which was looking quite good with the 835. #fxtec #pro1x

Watch "Public Enemy - GRID ft. Cypress Hill, George Clinton" on YouTube what ya gonna do when the Grid goes down?

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