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@joplinapp I'm considering switching from Evernote to Joplin, but the main functionality I need as a newspaper reporter is missing: recording audio in the Android app while taking notes. Is that coming any time soon?

Lyssnar på Ekot och blir lite irriterad på analysbrist. Inslaget handlar om fortsatt låg elförbrukning trots sjunkade elpris. Saknar att de inkluderar hur det ligger till med fasta/rörliga priser - har man bundit högt så spelar ju de lägre priserna nu ingen roll förrän senare.

Öppen trädgård den 16 juli! En mängd trädgårdar är öppna runt landet. Detaljer på

I needed to generate a barcode. I like open source software. So I installed Zint, a bar code generate sw. I installed on Linux. Zint did the job I expected it to do.

Prästadömets tid i trädgården har ringts ut av klockrikets tid som är nu.

"Vi är så upptagna med att administrera våra liv att vi inte har tid över till själva livet." En krönika om omsorgens nytta. Vad tror du om Joel Halldorfs krönika i senaste Sändaren?

I read that #Meta has launched #Threads and many don't understand why it's not fully usable via the web but only through a dedicated mobile app. Meta isn't interested in letting us talk but rather in collecting as much data as possible. Browsers have become (more) skilled at protecting us, while apps can have almost complete access to our mobile devices, gathering data that an average person couldn't even imagine. And our mobile devices have become the safe (or should I say, the exposed pantry?) of our lives. #privacy #datacollection #SocialNetworks

Thunderbird 115 "Supernova" launches on Monday, July 10th! It's our first step towards a more modern, more beautiful, and more customizable Thunderbird experience.

We think you're going to love it, and we are endlessly grateful for all of your support throughout the years 💙

I will be giving a keynote at both Blue Team Con and WWHF about lessons I have learned in a decade of mentoring job seekers and career changes in cybersecurity, but here is one tip for free right now - never give greatly more to a company than they generally return to you. If they pay you to do a job, do a good job at it. Have integrity! But don't go overboard in perpetual overtime or free work, missing time with family, losing your health in a way they would never commit to you - most organizations today in the US will lay you off and replace you in a moment. If they go above and beyond for you in real, meaningful ways, return that loyalty and commitment in kind. But never gratuitously more. You only live one life, and your job is not your family. It is a contract for labor, and if you are lucky one you learn from and somewhat enjoy.

An exhibition by the known Chinese provocative artist Badiucao has opened in Warsaw, Poland, despite Chinese state/party has demanded it to be cancelled.

Är det någon som känner till detta Stockholmsbaserade företag och/eller de produkter de säljer inom opensource routers med mera?

Facebook är fantastiskt för att hålla viss kontakt med mången släkt och vänner på ett sätt som annars inte skulle ske. Men jag tycker det har blivit väldigt mycket "förslag för dig" och "sponsrad" i flödet. Om korrekt, så har jag inte någon forskning om det beror på att mina vänner gör färre inlägg eller om Facebook puffar ut mer av annat. Hur som helst, det är väldigt mycket irrelevant och oönskat i mitt Facebook-flöde och som jag inte vet något sätt att att påverka.

There’s been a lot of speculation around what Threads will be and what it means for Mastodon. We’ve put together some of the most common questions and our responses based on what was launched today:

Take it as a lesson from Wikipedia and other community-based projects: effort you put into making the fediverse better goes towards a community that will carry it forward for years to come.

Effort to "create a presence" on the latest Twitter alternative boosted by venture capital (or by competitors smelling blood in the water) is free labor for rich people.

Not only will #Threads not be launching in the EU (presumably because it'll be sucking up so much personal data that they can't make it GDPR compliant), but now the The European Court of Justice has agreed with Germany’s anti-cartel watchdog that Meta can't share harvested personal data between Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp. That ruling will also apply to Threads.

A great day for consumer protections. #Meta

I believe I have successfully upgraded Debian from Bullseye to Bookworm! Xfce desktop. Debian documentation is extensive but somwhat difficult to find. I will review a bit more of post-installation topics. Documentation for Debian 12 Bookworm:

Jaaa, vi fixar det! Vi flyger nästan lika mycket som innan pandemin! ;-)

Källa: Studio Ett, P1.

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Librem Social

Librem Social is an opt-in public network. Messages are shared under Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0 license terms. Policy.

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