More #photography nerditry:
My main camera system is what's called "medium format'; the sensor is 40x54mm, which corresponds to the "645" format that used 120-type roll film. This is about 2.5 times the area of the standard "full frame" 24x36mm used in 35mm cameras, but only about 1/5th the area of "large format" 4x5 sheet film.
What's the significance of sensor size? Several things...
@dsearls and @katherined talked to one of our favorite frequent guests, @kyle, about the things we’d like to see develop in the world of consumer AI, what’s here and not here yet, and ponder many questions about personal AI. Join us and share your own opinions. We’d be curious to hear!
Demokrati är jobbigt. Att så många tycker annorlunda än jag, och får göra det. Det är till och med så att de flesta röstar på ett annat parti än det jag röstar på. #demokrati
”We go home”, sade Moshe Rozen – sedan vände sig han och hans fru Diana om och lämnade kidnapparna bakom sig vid taggtrådsstängslet.
Läs deras historia.
#Israel #Palestina #Gaza #IsraelHamaswar
What are the most important internet security actions for a normal person to take? The question was given to security expert Graham Cluley (@gcluley) in the Random but memorable pod, and he gave those three advices:
- Never reuse same password on multiple sites
- Use 2FA (=MFA, two factor- or multi factor authentification)
- Keep the softwares (incl apps) updated on the devices (mobile, tablet, PC etc)
"All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood."
Article 1, Universal Declaration of Human Rights
A good starting point for how we meet and talk to each other, between ordinary people as well as powerful leaders.
#humanrights #un #startingpoint
GNU Image Manipulation Program.
(GNU stands for “GNU's Not Unix.”)
Free and open software.
End of message.
#gimp #foss #opensource #image #photography
mintCast is “The podcast by the Linux Mint community for all users of Linux."
The podcast episodes cover a range of topics that are not just limited to Linux.
Linux Mint is a Linux distribution that is focused on ease of use while delivering a fully functional environment.
Jag brukar ha fel när jag förutspår saker om Ryssland. Exempelvis trodde jag i februari 2022 naivt nog att Putin inte skulle anfalla, eftersom jag inte såg det rationella i det. Men han brydde sig inte om mina funderingar.
Nu försöker jag förutspå hur kriget i Ukraina slutar. Vi får se om jag har lika fel denna gång.
I'm looking forward to tune in the fresh Distrohoppers' Digest episode. But first complete my MintCast listening. Both Linux related, interesting and good for my walk to Linux as daily operating system. #linux #mintcast #distrohoppersdigest #WalkingToLinux
Har du hört och sett om detta!?!?
Meta Verified för Facebook och Instagram. Inte utan kostnad. #MetaVerified #meta
Välskriven ledare om bistånd till Palestina, tidningen Sändaren förra veckan.
Bistånd till Palestina är för mig inte någon motsättning till att samtidigt vara för Israel och de som bor där; judar, palestinier och andra, deras lika självklara rätt till fred och frihet.
I wrote about how the original sin of the internet, from the 90s and earlier, was to demand everything be free — which led to advertising being the main business model (which led to many problems!). We’re at a moment right now where maybe some of those ills can be fixed - federation is one optimistic part of that.
"A Gloriously Fixable Laptop, Pt. 2"
In which I continue my blubbering praise for the Framework laptops ...
... observing how folks who've owned an older model can, with trivial ease, put in a whole damn new processor to make it run faster
In like 15 minutes
This is how *all* laptops should be
My essay:
A free "friend" link in case you're not a Medium subscriber:
Har varit på Västbanken. Läs gärna, för Ahmeds skull. Och för hans familjs skull.
Engineer with University Diploma in Human Rights & Democracy. Job competence: Component Engineer; fiber optics and more components, Component Handling Process and IT System owner. Linux, open source, photography and religion to mention a few interest areas. Joomla for web sites. English and Swedish. Located in Sweden. DM inactivated.
#HumanRights #Democracy #ComponentEngineer #FiberOptics #FibreOptics #Linux #LinuxMint #Joomla #OpenSource #Photography #Religion #Engineer