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Do you use OpenWRT on your router? Should I flash my router and replace manufacturer fw with OpenWRT? The considered router latest fw update by manufacturer is 5 years ago. The router spec is good enough for latest OpenWRT (8MB Flash, 64 MB RAM) and is listed. Should I go for OpenWRT? Why? Or, why not?

Även Riksdagens justitieutskotts ordförande har yttrandefrihet. Det är väl egentligen bara kungen som har extra begränsad yttrandefrihet. Men man är ju inte tvingad att yttra allt man tänker. Särskilt inte med tanke på vilket förtroendeuppdrag man har.

I media refereras till att statsministern har uttalat sig idag i sociala medier om "koranbrännarkrisen" och hotbilden mot Sverige och svenskar. Det är väl ok att han och andra ministrar, regering, riksdag och riksdagsmän använder sociala medier (de borde använda Mastodon också förstås som dessutom kan läsas utan inloggat konto). Jag anser det problematiskt att sådana uttalanden inte görs så officiella och publikt tillgängliga att man kan hitta dem också på Regeringens webbplats.

My #linux laptop (#Thinkpad E590) #freezes in unpredictable situations. I've had this in various reinstalls of different Linux distributions (#ubuntu, #fedora, #debian). The EFI hardware test does not indicate any faults, neither did memtest. Can anyone give me a hint for finding out what's wrong? I suspect a hardware issue as I've changed the software stack multiple times, still I'd like to know what's wrong. I don't really know what to google for.

Boosts appreciated.

FOSS graphics editor "Inkscape" has been updated to version 1.3. This update improves performance; adds a shape builder tool; adds a document resources dialog; rewrote the PDF import code; and more. The code is licensed using GPLv2.0. The program is available from various distro repos; from Flathub; and as an AppImage.

The project's main website is here:

The full changelog for this update can be found here:

The source code can be found on Gitlab:

The project has a presense on Mastodon:

If you wish to donate to the project you can do so using Paypal:

#foss #inkscape #gitlab #appimage #flatpak

Mitt favoritcitat för dagen: Ah, but I was so much older then I’m younger than that now".

En god vän uppmärksammade mig på detta i ett sammanhang idag, citatet är från låten My Back Pages av Bob Dylan.

The world is on fire. Wars and climate crises.

Från förordet till boken jag planerar att läsa närmast: "...förutsatt naturligtvis att man kan erkänna sitt syskonskap med romanens huvudperson, denne räddhågsne fege late fördomsfulle krake som längtar så fruktansvärt efter gemenskap men ändå undviker varje tillfälle som bjuds..."

Rapport kommer efter läsningen är avslutad.

Inloggad med mitt lånekort för Botkyrka bibliotek på Pressreader kan jag inte bara läsa Svenskan och Linux Format. Jag kan läsa Kalle Anka också! Och 70-11 andra tidningar och tidskrifter. Det är fantastiskt.

The "advantage" with macOS and Windows is that I do not need to upgrade to new releases. Because my HW is outdated. Last weeks I have on old HW spent time to upgrade to latest releases of Debian and Mint; to Debian 12 and Mint 21.2 respectively. Soon to come will be upgrade to LMDE 6. Long live old hardware with Linux operating system!

Through @doktorzjivago I just realized and have tried myself to post an mp3 file to my Mastodon feed, and then go see it appear as a podcast in my Pocketcast podcast app by placing my Mastodon name as an RSS there. Quite cool! Suddenly publishing a podcast is the same as having a Mastodon account. So now for example a podcast could run its own server and have its audience on it for example. Quite cool. Ping @dtnsshow

Now I've updated to the latest 8.1 release of digiKam. I will look more into my settings related to new features compared to 7.9 (I never upgraded to 8.0), and generally learn more about the new features. I am so impressed of this free and open software!

Eftersom det är semester så skriver jag inga nya artiklar just nu om det inte sker statskupp i Ryssland eller liknande. Passade dock på att samla några av mina senaste texter som inte är av helt lokal karaktär här. Ingen betalvägg på min blogg.
#ryssland #ukraina #finland

Proton Mail now protects you from tracking links.

This feature is good.

But I cannot stop smiling when I read the end of the blog post, about where I can interact with Proton.

"Thank you for your support and let us know what you think of Tracking Links Protection on Reddit or Twitter. "

Curious about @fdroidorg? Check out the latest episode of #FLOSS Weekly. Doc Searls and Simon Phipps talk with Hans-Christoph Steiner about all things #FDroid: the non-Google app store for #Android where you don't need an account and find only free and open source apps.

#FreeSoftware #OpenSource

I'm also hopeful that as #SUSE has regained a solid #opensource reputation through many, many years of hard work done in good faith, that #RedHat will also eventually find their stride again. I suspect that laying off community leaders has significantly impacted their ability to get an accurate pulse of things, such as impact and messaging. That will take a lot of time and investment to recover from the damage caused by those lay offs. I expect to see more ongoing fumbles in the short-term.

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