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@toxi nice! hope they find themselves creating a Linux app one of those days, currently there is only one mapping app that works, pure-maps, no tracking depending on which app you choose.

@dylanmccall Mostly use Files Nautilus nothing special once you get the rawthumbnailer to work

@dcz @fosstodon seems they dont allow shitposting, the instance is way too restrictive on content

I have been enjoying @somafm so much, that I picked up the iOS app. It has very nice UI and a lot of neat built in features. It is totally worth downloading.

There is a long standing issue in (the compositor used with (but as I recently learned also other projects like ) that makes windows flip their size when crossing a screen edge (as tiling is (incorrectly) kicking in). This makes dragging windows around in docked mode harder than necessary.

This is about to improve and (thanks to the ground work over the past months) we can also add some visual feedback:

it's cute when websites think I would turn off my ad blocker rather than just leaving the page

@joao Ditto NFT the only part i liked about it is the word fungible - it awesome reminds me of fungi

@bradlinder Just curious, i was looking online for a risk-v laptop, but came up completely blank, this would be the first time in history that a new chip such as risk-v ends up in a tablet before a laptop, or a desktop (also i have not really found any packaged risk-v desktop options to buy online) :)!

@stfn thanks it is mostly an overused term when people talk about whether they can use a Linux Phone as their main phone. It is more the fact that someone has to say it rather than, I have 5 different devices that i use differently, I don't think there is anything wrong with that :)

@stfn how about "daily driver" that phrase drives me crazy no pun intended, why the fuck would you not use technology daily, i consider that a door stopper

Whenever you see the words “ads”, “cryptocurrency”, “blockchain”, “web 3”, or “AI”, just replace them with “farts” and you’ll know whether you want them or not.

“Can the fediverse survive without farts?”

Yes, perfectly well.

“Will farts replace people?”

I hope not.

“The European Commission embraces farts.”

That’s unfortunate.

“This new startup wants to improve your life with farts.”

I’m good, thanks.

#SiliconValley #BigTech #farts #buzzword #bullshit #ads #adtech #blockchain #ai #web3

@clive I have to agree, the article forgets about net carbon emissions required to produce said mass of 3000lb in the shape of a battery. That takes energy, metal, and producing the metal in the first place. Driving a 1990 Volvo 240 is better for the environment since the overhead of having had to produce it has been spread over 30 years greatly offsetting additional carbon pumped into the air from less fuel efficiency, also who says the hummer battery lasts 30 years?

A new #GTK stable release is out! Lots of changes for 4.12:

- list views can have sections
- accessibility improvements
- multiple fixes for the Vulkan renderer
- better support for GLES2 in the GL renderer
- fixes for Windows and macOS
- new support for various texture formats

and tons of bug fixes.

Ever wondered why the websites in browser demos always look so good? Spoiler alert: It's because they're all fake!

Try going to,, or any of the other domains in the screenshots below, none of them exist.

Feels emblematic for the state of the web in general. Real websites are so full of popups, toolbars, and other cruft that people create their own to make their browsers look presentable.

It is a little annoying that most posts i write i have to discard on Tuba since publish doesnt work 80% of the time.

@etam using jumpdrive i have
been able to create whole disk images from the build in L5 memory, so when things have gone wrong the last few times software wise, a complete restore took only an hour or so (with all apps, settings, and data). The SDCard i always thought as a good feature to have for backup, but with jumpdrive that is obsoleted. Still essential for music, image, video storage. The notification for calls always have been hit or miss for me regarding audible alerts.

@purism would have been nice to see a post like that more like a notification banner that always shows on top on matrix, not sure that is supported though, you dont want critical status posts to be hidden by other posts

Over the last week we have been battling a DDOS attack which is now largely mitigated. Please excuse any disruptions or slowness you may run into.

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