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“Email is a minuscule text file that you transmit across the internet. To claim that you don’t have the competence to arrange that yourself is a sign of administrative incompetence”, says Michiel Leenaars in an interview on Radio 1. He’s is responding to a recent report of Clingendael Institute warning the Dutch government has squandered cloud sovereignty by outsourcing storing vital & sensitive information to American providers. Listen to the interview here [In Dutch]

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Fikasugen? På onsdag kväll är det dags för Linuxfika igen. Välkommen till Cafe Linne klockan 19.

Those who live around northern Stockholm might know this sign, it's pretty big, you see it if you follow Norrtäljevägen into the city, just before you reach Roslagstull. It's below the old Roslagstulls sjukhus and Albanova, next to the new part of KTH called Albano campus.

It usually shows ads aimed at all the people in their cars heading into the city. This particular morning however, all the people in their cars got a special message about the badness of Microsoft and Google instead. 😄


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Walked past this on my way to work the other day. It's like that The Sound of Silence song

"and the sign flashed out its warning..."

but wait, the sign did not say anything about the words of the prophets, instead it said "oops" and "Microsoft" and "your computer is low on memory, close Google Chrome" 😄

Okay, let's heed the warning from this sign: never use Microsoft or Google products, for anything, ever. Don't let them fool you. Don't but their "AI" bullshit either.


Elias boosted

I'm at the point of begging my fellow academics:

Don't be so fucking gullible when it comes to tech companies and don't do their PR work for them

Your seminar on "using AI responsibly" is just volunteer PR work for a tech company

Your partnership with Meta is just volunteer PR work for a tech company

They are lying to you and manipulating you and it's embarrassing how bad you are at spotting this

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Elias boosted

It's World book day*!

What's your favourite source of legal and free ebooks?

Mine are:
1 - Gutenberg Books
2 - Libby (library App)
3 -
4 - Libvox
5 - Smashwords
6 - Wikibooks
7 -Tech Books For Free
8 - Complete Works of William Shakespeare
9 - Baen books
10 - Local Library

[* Due to holiday scheduling it's on diff dates in the UK & Ireland to than the rest of the world - still Book Day ! ]

Links to all (except local library hopefully you have one!) are below.

#books #FreeEbooks

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Rikspolischef Petra Lundh:
"Tidigare så har jag absolut tyckt att det är bra med offentlighetprincipen och annat ... ".

Citatet från den f.d. domaren och riksåklagaren är autentiskt om än avhugget. Det handlar om huruvida förundersökningar ska bli offentlig handling.

Ska ganskande journalister behöva förlita sig på godtyckliga läckor istället?

Nej, i kampen mot de kriminella gängen går vi alldeles för långt i att montera ned rättssäkerhet och medborgerliga rättigheter. Bevara demokratin!

Look, I'm famous! Mentioned in this great talk by @dos (at 15:40 into that) where he mentions me and says " vital observation... " - I made a vital observation! 🎉 Proudly adding this to my list of things to brag about.

Much of my life may have been pointless but not all of it: let it be known that I did spend a significant amount of time with trial-and-error to find the exact time delay needed for the USB connection to the modem to break down. 😄

Elias boosted

Just found out that it's possible to donate to Phosh here:

Donations there go to the developers @agx and @devrtz

If, like me, you appreciate that awesome project and rely on it everyday for your device, you know what to do! 😉


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google rant:

a little website i shepherd for a friend has a contact form. it uses php mail() via sendmail. ive done all the things: fail2ban, recaptcha, spf, dkim, reject dmarc policy; the config is just as tight as my personal mail server, and few to no illegitimate form submissions ever make it as far as the mta.

gmail happily sends a daily dmarc report congratulating me for successful spf and dkim tests, yet refuses to deliver any messages to a gmail inbox. at the same time, the target gmail inbox is stacked full of spam, all from addresses.

google is a bully and a tyrant and hostile to the open internet. msft does the same shit.

In Swedish, E-identification, FOSS 

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Elias boosted

På konferensen idag och lyssnar på bl.a. Erik Enocksson från #eSam, Carl Heath om det demokratiska samtalet i en digital tid, och Maria Dalhage om #NOSAD. Mycket bra!

NOSADs nyhetsbrev feb 2024 

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This cornerstone of software freedom has been empowering developers and users for decades.

Consider gifting your copyright to the FSF to uphold the GPL's legacy and keep software libre!

#GPL35 #OpenSource

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I just renewed my annual @fsf associate membership and psyched for Libreplanet. #ISupportFreeSoftware

Interesting discussion with @Mer__edith and Camille Francois, "AI and Surveillance Capitalism", available via here:

I think the most important aspect they bring up is how increased use of so-called "AI" systems (it's wrong to call such systems "intelligent") leads to really dangerous concentration of power to a small number of huge companies. That development is very dangerous and bad for democracy, it's really the opposite of what we need.

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AI, mini rant/ramble 

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