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In Swedish, E-identification, FOSS 

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Read the interview with Guido Günther, a developer at Purism, on how the free and convergent #PureOS system and the #Phosh graphical environment merge the phone and desktop experience into one, and how they benefit mobile device users.

Thanks to the kind work of our volunteer translators, you can also read it in Dutch, Italian, and Spanish.

@agx @purism

"Sverige kan bättre än BankID - öppen samverkan för fri e-legitimation"

Detta event var igår, här finns inspelningen:

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Hur kan Sverige få en lösning för digital identitet och e-legitimation som baseras på öppna standarder och fungerar för alla? Mötet sänds via Peertube strax:

Meeting invitation: "Sweden can do better than BankID – open collaboration for free e-identification", June 20, 2022 at 16:00 Swedish time:

The meeting will be in Stockholm. Hopefully we will also get a live stream via working for this.

See also:


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Upcoming seminar about e-identification using open standards and free/libre software (in Swedish):

"Sverige kan bättre än BankID - öppen samverkan för fri e-legitimation"
20 juni klockan 16:00


Looking for free/libre (FLOSS) computer games that can be fun for kids around 10 years old. So far, tried which is great. What else can you recommend?

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We're pleased to announce that Zoë Kooyman has been appointed as the FSF's new executive director. Thanks to John S. for nineteen years of service with the org, and read our announcement here:

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To help people get started quickly with Briar, we wrote a new quick start guide:

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Unimpressed by the planning of the current winter for several reasons:

- Major mistake #1: hosted in a dictatorship
- Major mistake #2: hosted on dates colliding with

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#quoteoftheday generated by #Fortune
« Computers make excellent and efficient servants, but I have no wish to serve under them. »

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The root problem is that of incentives. First-parties want to monetize without charging users. Current answer to this is ads. Personalized ads pay better, hence tracking exists. If resisted, FPs will retain server-side tracking and worse, bring in-content, unblockable ads.

Can we make non-personalized ads more profitable than personalized ads or in-content ads for first-parties? Should we? I have my preferences ("No ads of any kind, even if this means less content"). But is that the best?

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