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Elias boosted

Vansinnigt fin morgon vid tjärnet. Började med 5 grader men nu är det varmt. Trög start med fisken mot annars. Dock en fin abborre så här långt.
#fiske #Fengersfors

@marcusosterberg nappar det bäst tidigt på morgonen, eller spelar tiden på dagen ingen roll?

@nextcloud nice This keynote looks really interesting:

"Recipes for getting stuck in proprietary clouds: How public sector organisations discriminate against OSS solutions"

Will there be a recording to watch afterwards, for those who cannot attend?

Elias boosted

#NextcloudConf24: here’s full weekend program!👇

From our keynote speakers and panelists, to live podcasting, talks and workshops, we have a full agenda booked!

Join us in person or through livestream 💙

@mattl Fripost – den fria e-postföreningen - it means roughly "the free [as in freedom] email association":

Elias boosted

If anyone has a Nokia 3310 to sell, prefereably near Stockholm, let me know at - I'll pay cash.

@douginamug turn off the threaded view: "Toggle message threads", or "Message list display options --> sort by --> unthreaded".

Elias boosted

We have sent emails with a survey to all political parties represented in the Swedish parliament regarding Chat Control, surveillance and privacy.

To uphold a blocking minority of the EU goverments, it is important that a lot of organizations and individuals in EU member states email the parties in their national parliament and demand answers.

We translated our questions to English. Feel free to use them!

Ping @edri @fsfe @aral @echo_pbreyer


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Ny opinionsartikel: Enkät till riksdagspartierna och nytt läckt förslag om Chat Control (

Följ bevakningen av Chat Control 2.0 på

#chatcontrol #svpol #eupol #EUvsChildSexualAbuse

Elias boosted

Today was "Bundesweiter Warntag" in Germany so a good point in time to test 's & 's upcoming support 🚨 .

The sounds emitted by are only stubs (and you don' t hear the haptic in the video but I promise it's there 😃).

There's three messages because the CBMs are sent out on three different channels.

Thanks @NGIZero for supporting my work on this!

Elias boosted

The @EUCommission has cut important funds for #FreeSoftware in a non-transparent decision.

💥 Raise your voice and take part in an ongoing consultation to ask for sustainable long-term funds for software freedom!

We explain why and how:

@nilesh it's still there! I start it up every time I want something other than Firefox.

@pki jag har börjat misstänka att hela regeringens politik egentligen mest drivs av ett hat mot Miljöpartiet. I varenda fråga gör regeringen till synes alltid tvärtemot vad MP skulle ha gjort.

Problemet är att MP ganska ofta har helt rimliga åsikter, ofta baserade på fakta, så att göra tvärtom blir inte särskilt bra.

Det här med kärnkraft till varje pris t.ex., det verkar knäppt men blir logiskt om man tänker på att MP varit mot kärnkraft i alla år.

@nilesh yes, it's depressing. What about GNOME Web formerly known as Epiphany, where would that be on that chart?

Elias boosted

#curl provides this listing and collection of ALL past security vulnerabilities at

I claim that curl does this better than, yeah, just about all other projects. Because we put a lot of effort into it. Because we believe our users deserve it.

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Librem Social

Librem Social is an opt-in public network. Messages are shared under Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0 license terms. Policy.

Stay safe. Please abide by our code of conduct.

(Source code)

image/svg+xml Librem Chat image/svg+xml