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> Who is really left?

Don't forget all the projects!

Bash, Coreutils, Dia, Emacs, gawk, gcc, GCompris, GIMP, gpg, grep, GRUB, Guix, Jami, glibc, Mailman, make, octave, parted, sed, Taler, wget, to only name a few 😃 I bet it's having social issues.

@tante in my opinion, more attention should be given to the lie that is in the name "OpenAI". It is not "open". At all.

It's not okay to call something "open" (because calling it "open" sounds good?) when it is in fact the opposite. This alone should be enough for people to boycott it.

@malveus vadå nummer, vad är det för nummer?

Är det som ett fängelse där det tatueras in ett nummer i huden på varje fånge? 🙂

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it's never too late to become the black sheep of your family

@smlx4 @samuel det känns lite skevt att det beslutas om mer massövervakning och mindre skydd för mänskliga rättigheter ovanpå detta.

"Staten är snäll, staten skulle aldrig missbruka sin makt", kombinerat med "ordföranden för justitieutskottet är från ett rasistparti och förshörs av polis för rasistgrejor". 😬

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"It is not the case that “AI gathers data from the Web and learns from it.” The reality is that AI companies gather data and then optimize models to reproduce representations of that data for profit."

"The productivity myth suggests that anything we spend time on is up for automation — that any time we spend can and should be freed up for the sake of having even more time for other activities or pursuits — which can also be automated."

Read the whole thing!

@kittynunu mja det var de nog, vissa i alla fall. Jag tror inte mössen bryr sig om det dock 🙂

Elias boosted

I released #GNOME #Calls 47.0 yesterday 🚀 \o/

This is the first release running #gtk4 and #libadwaita

Thanks a lot to everyone who contributed code, translations and bug reports!

Find the release notes at

And of course, it has already been uploaded to :debian: 🎉

#LinuxMobile #phosh #Debian #Mobian #Librem5

Went to the cabin this weekend, looking forward to eating some of the food I had left there last time.

"Let's cook some rice!" -- oh wait, no, I guess the mice have eaten all the rice.

"Ok that's fine, no problem, we still have that tasty muesli!" -- oh, no we don't. The mice ate all of that too.

There was a packet of ramen also that they chewed a hole in but they only ate about half of that, not as yummy I guess.

Lesson learned: need to put everything in glass jars.

@vegafjord if you (or a friend) have your own website, put it there and share the link. Otherwise, maybe you can upload it to the Internet Archive?
If it's any kind of research, you can try arXiv:

@dgar @djuuss it't a bit like that John Donne quote, that's also in the title of a Hemingway book For Whom the Bell Tolls:

"[...] any mans death diminishes me, because I am involved in Mankinde; And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; It tolls for thee."

Digitala pengar (Swedish) 

@kittynunu ja pengasystemet har ju spårat ur totalt i övrigt, folk använder "Swish" som kräver "BankID" för minsta lilla betalning, det är helt sjukt tycker jag, att vara så explicit spårad för minsta lilla inköp man gör. Grrrrr.

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