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Marina Hyde wrote in the Guardian:
"So Donald chatted with Elon, and here’s the future as they see it – losers win, incompetence rules"


> who's gonna go after you?

@conservancy might go after you.

Also, there are people (if not you, then plenty of others) who care about doing the right thing, keeping their promises.

And it works in practice. For example, the GPL has helped Linux take over the world.

In Swedish, E-identification, FOSS 

Elias boosted

Do you have any plans for next weekend yet?

#FrOSCon is a coming and there is lots of interesting talks, workshops and conversations to be had 🚀

Even if you can't attend in person,
you can join remotely using our #matrix channel

Don't forget to

#apt #install #confy to follow the conference

#froscon2024 #chatty

@dos cool! So with this device you can connect a charger to the Librem5 to charge it and at the same time connect another USB thingy, like a keyboard or flash drive or whatever?

Elias boosted

This is how the binary system works, explained with an ingenious wooden counter.

Elias boosted

@neil Something like this is going on here in Sweden also.

There is a pretty severe problem with this, in that it will be logical for the state to encourage (or force) its citizens to use insecure computers/phones/etc., so that the state can hack them.

I would have preferred to live in a world where the state would help its citizens stay secure. Now we are instead getting a situation where the state is establishing itself as one of the aggressors from which I will need to protect myself. 😐

@neil interesting!

> The UK and France will soon
> launch a consultation on the
> threat presented by the
> proliferation and irresponsible use
> of commercial cyber intrusion capabilities.

They say "irresponsible use" implying that they also think there is such a thing as "responsible" use.

> states:  as regulators and
> potential customers of the market for CCICs

So the states see themselves as customers. maybe for example "responsibly" using things like Pegasus to spy on their citizens?

Elias boosted

Daniel's weekly report August 9, 2024

feature window, libcurl 24, wcurl, SIGPIPE, CVE, hacking, getprog, -h

@nozze blä usch verkligen hemsk mening det där, "Mer AI och ansiktsigenkänning i polisens arbete". Här kombineras flera av regeringens dåliga egenskaper: ren idioti ("mer AI") kombineras med fascism ("mer makt till polisen, vi skiter i mänskliga rättigheter") 😠

Hur långt är det till nästa val?

Elias boosted

Well, here I am #mastodon. I never thought the day would come, but I've decided to join a different social media platform.

To be honest, I'm really sick of #twitter or #x (whatever) and all the bullshit that happens on that shitty site. Even though most of my memories and followers are over there, let's see how this goes.


> because he revealed countless
> crimes committed by the US government

But then the US government should stop committing crimes and instead thank him for his patriotic actions? I don't see the logic in him ending up in Russia as an end result.

Why is Edward Snowden living in Russia?

Hung over olympic champion 

Elias boosted

#Librem5 users waiting for #PureOS Crimson: Giving money to Purism is not the only option:

I (Peter) for one definitely trust @devrtz more than a company distracted by building a robot ;-)

@nlovsund @Mabande de missar med några år då, All That She Wants var väl 1992 ungefär. Tror mig minnas att jag gick i gymnasiet när den kom.

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