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> Shares of both Google and Microsoft dipped [...]

Hm, well if their "AI" bullshit is the thing that causes Google and Microsoft to go down then... maybe it's a good thing after all 🙃

@ljo jovisst, så är det. Jag har spelat pingis själv faktiskt, fast längesen, var med i StEriks-cupen i tinåren nångång, kanske 1989 eller däromkring. Det var mycket handled även då. 🙂


@jrballesteros05 @karlemilnikka I suspect that what @StartpageSearch have done is they have written the code for that page so that it puts together the text shown like this:

"Startpage isn’t tracking your searches, but <BROWSERNAME> might be."

And then they just insert the browser name there if they know it, regardless of which browser it is, or if they do not have a name for it then they just write "your browser" there instead.

(I don't mean to defend what they did, it's really dumb.)

Watching The Wire again. Even though I've seen it like four or five times before it still beats everything else, nothing else even comes close.

Sometimes I've tried to understand what makes it so good, I think part of it is that I like the characters so much, they're so real and so human. I mean all of them, both the cops and the gangsters.

What do you think? Will there ever be another series that can match The Wire?

Elias boosted

Tomorrow, I will attend the Stockholm Pride parade with a sign to raise awareness of the proposed EU Chat Control legislation that would eliminate private messaging.

Queer people have been surveillance targets of police when laws restricted our existence and we organized to protest. Due to social stigmas that continue today—even in Sverige—many queer and questioning people rely on secrecy for their comfort and safety.

#ChatControl #Privacy #Pride #GRSM

Elias boosted

#British actor and TV presenter Stephen Fry released a documentary about his trip to #Ukraine. In it, he showed a clip of his meeting with Ukrainian President #Zelenskyy, to whom he told a joke about the russian president and the prime minister.

Watch (20 Second) Insta Reel, Source: U24 Gov UA

Elias boosted

Since 2010, the Debian Snapshot service functions as a "wayback machine" that allows access to old packages based on dates and version numbers. However, this service has been in need for big maintenance for quite a while. Luckily, thanks to Glasklar Teknik AB and DSA in June 2024 the service has been migrated to new hardware and is now fully up and running again: enjoy #debian

@jajo @waspfactory det var ganska nära mitt jobb, såg brandbilar och ambulanser åka förbi på Sveavägen. Men jag vet inte vilken restaurang det var.


> Jag spöade min gympalärare

ujujuj nu har jajo spårat ur alldeles tänkte jag där

> i pingis

puh 😅

@metnix maybe it will be a butterfly in a few weeks?

@normalniklas JO eller som de mer poetiska kineserna säger, Chang Qing Shu, ”Det evigt gröna trädet” 🙂

Läxförhör, svensk grammatik 

@AmyZenunim @exchgr @munin normies represent a powerful source of wisdom

@samuel here they write something about this kind of things:

"A private e-mail account can normally send up to 10.000 e-mails per day. Note that doing so may raise the attention of some of our protection measures so that there is a possibility for some users to be blocked after sending just 5000 e-mails per day, for example."

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