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Happy International Day of Forests!

Did you know that forests are home to 80% of the world's terrestrial biodiversity, and provide livelihoods for over a billion people?

Our EU's biodiversity strategy for 2030 aims to plant at least 3 billion additional trees by the end of the decade – a crucial step in the fight against climate change and the loss of biodiversity.

Let's all do our part to protect and restore our forests for the sake of our planet and future generations. 🌳🌲


I'd like to have something that automatically convert links to the preserving version in the browser. Like play links in , etc. There seems to be things like but for me the question is which one to trust, is maintained, works well enough, etc. Once I find a tool that I think it generally applicable, then I work to get it into so its easy for others to make this decision. Is there a browser extension for this that is worth getting into Debian?

@discord "Server"

(Maybe "channel", "instance", "forum", etc. would be more accurate, but OTOH maybe their use of this word was also partially the reason for its success, given that it clearly but quite incorrectly purports a level of control for "server" "owners".)

🎉 We're growing! Our global #FDroid community is pleased to announce that we now have an official governance plan and a brand-new volunteer Board of Directors. We're excited to work with them to keep improving the leading all #FOSS mobile app catalogue!

#FreeSoftware #OpenSource #Android

A left-wing conspiracy theory about the 1980 election was that GOPers convinced Iran to hold onto the hostages to sabotage Jimmy Carter's re-election.

Holy crap; it was actually true.

Anybody has any long-term uptime / availability statistics for Debian repos and mirrors?

I have a feeling they might be more stable than Fastly or AWS or Google infra, all of which had major outages over the last year.


Educating our new generations (girls and boys!) to be creative, handy and able to change software according to their needs is also crucial to achieve #genderequality and #digitalequity. One way to do it? Our book 'Ada&Zangemann'!

After using /#macOS from 1994-2012, I reached the same conclusion as Ken Thompson: "I've become more and more depressed, and what is doing to something that should allow you to work is just atrocious... And I have come, within the last month or two, to say, even though I've invested, you know, a zillion years in Apple — I'm throwing it away. And I'm going to Linux. To in particular."

As a , I'd like to say: Welcome!

It is refreshing to see a very different in the Techless Wisephone, reminds me of the Light Phone. The experience is designed around people having many apps and doing as much as possible via their phone. I want my mobile device to do very specific things well, and otherwise stay out of the way. Freeing the mobile ecosystem means giving people real choices of mobile experiences.

RT @Grady_Booch
Let me get this straight:

@OpenAI has developed a powerful AI.

They will not disclose its architecture or its training data.

They want to control the development of their own evaluation frameworks.

They want us to trust them to be its steward.

I have a problem with this.

Auf dem Balkan gefährden hunderte geplante Staudammprojekte die Artenvielfalt - und das, um Ökostrom zu produzieren. (Dabei käme der Ausbau von Solar- und Windenergie meist billiger.) In Albanien haben Anrainergemeinden, Umweltschützer und Wissenschaftlerinnen jetzt einen wichtigen Erfolg erzielt: An der Vjosa soll Europas erster Wildfluss-Nationalpark entstehen. Eine Reportage von Horst Hamm.

#vjosa #wasserkraft #oekostrom #RiverWatch #euronatur #artenschutz #albanien #balkanRivers

Random first trial post: today, March 14th, is the 29th anniversary of the Linux 1.0 announcement.

Of course, there are other arguably more important dates in Linux history, but this is one of them.

It would be nice to have a package for, I have no access to , but I can assist. It should be easy, it has very minimal dependencies.

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Do you sometimes just want one tool from the in a container or VM, and don't want to deal with the whole pain of setting up and everything? Try the sdkmanager instead of the official one. For example, `apt-get install sdkmanager` then `sdkmanager platform-tools`. Plus this verifies all packages using `apt-get` style GPG-signed index with SHA256 values. Useful in on etc. In pypi, Debian, Ubuntu, and

One of the hidden benefits of using is that it forces delays when going to sites that are a rabbit hole of distractions. While temporarily enabling for a site, I often ask myself, "do I really need to see this?" And often, the answer is no. And that makes me happy. Humankind has worked for millenia to make information accessible. Now I think sometimes we've made it too easy, especially for distracting fluff.

Hey people: anyone know a good source to see photos of house plants in their native habitat? Like I'm a big fan of , I thought they were tropical because they're so colorful. Turns out they are right here where I live. I have a very nice , and I'm wondering what they look like in .

When the tool-chain you've got to use (#flutter) doesn't care about #gdpr or #privacy in general:

`flutter config --no-analytics`

Greece adopts new rules on #RouterFreedom 🎉!
The @fsfe acknowledges the efforts of EETT introducing freedom of terminal equipment in Greece.

We regret that this decision is excluding FTTH, but consumers will be better served with this regulation.


:drake_dislike: "too big to fail"

:drake_like: "never should have been allowed to grow this big in the first place"


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