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Imagine you could install any software on any device. The devices you own that don't receive updates anymore, or where you found out that the software is full of ads/tracking. You could replace it, maybe with a Linux distro like postmarketOS running mainline. These devices wouldn't need to be electronic waste. We signed @fsfe's #openletter to the EU to make this happen.

You can sign it, too!

#Ecodesign #RightToRepair #EWWR #FreeSoftware #LinuxMobile #UpcyclingAndroid


Closed source code will always have possibility for surveillance regardless of business model.

I don't think is a force for good, and I'm not particularly a fan of . But I do think it is a good thing to move to a subscription business model, where the the customer is the user, and away from the business model Twitter currently has.

If some rich dude can buy the public square, then it wasn't the public square.

🇺🇳 💰 #UN #Democracy Fund #grants are open. $100k - $250k for 2-year projects improving peoples' lives in various areas:

youth engagement, law & human rights, media & freedom of information, strengthening civil society, gender equality, and electoral process

Deadline to apply is 30 November.

In the over 3 weeks since
shipped a big overhaul of the production buildserver, there have been updates published on most days: Nov16 Nov15 Nov14 Nov13 Nov11 Nov09 Nov08 Nov05 Nov01 Oct31 Oct30 Oct29 Oct28 Oct27 Oct26 Oct25 Oct24 Oct22 Oct21 Oct20

And now, even more exciting, is that this unlocked lots of low hanging fruit that can make the process run much faster.

Looking forward to those new features in #Mastodon which have been funded with public money through the EU's NGI0 discovery fund (coordinated by #NLnet and #FSFE is also helping) Public Money? #PublicCode

If you send an email with an unsubscribe link, clicking that link should unsubscribe you. No: it should not require account login.

In a world where your servers are operated by volunteers rather than big well-resourced SV corporations with security teams, it’s interesting to think about how we can make identity and authentication require fewer shared secrets.

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The Procurement Chamber in the German state of Baden-Württemberg decided that the transfer of personal data outside of the EU is not #GDPR compatible.

"It’s a landmark decision that has a huge influence in Germany & the rest of Europe"

#GDPR #SchremsII

In the span of 7 days, has grown:
From 3000 total accounts to 5100 total accounts
From 180 active users to 2500 active users
From 90000 posts to 104000 posts

That is pretty incredible. I am very happy to see the community here on the fediverse.

WIRED: Pernille Tranberg, cofounder of Danish think tank Data Ethics EU, who says she has been trying to convince Danish schools to use European school software such as Nextcloud for years.

Uber is planning to expand their advertising platform in a privacy-problematic way: they'll allow targeting riders based on their travel history and their locations.

Original tweet :

This video captures how I often feel running large scale systems with minimal resources here's a classic tactic: use "open source" to get devs hooked, then gradually slip in proprietary bits. 's core apps move ever more towards proprietary, and they also do this with libraries like

Show thread is dedicated to enforcing for apps. There is big money pushing hard to make people slip, Google is one of those. I've been working on free software since 1994, and from what I've seen, this approach is the only way to make progress. If no one enforces it, then everyone just slips into proprietary software.

Today's agreement on the #DigitalServicesAct is historic!

We are now one step closer to new ground-breaking rules that will:

⛔️ ensure online platforms are held responsible for tackling harmful content
🛡️ better protect internet users
🚀 help smaller platforms grow


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