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We have generally avoided recommending providers for since it is a thorny proposition, although they are clearly useful for . We recently mapped out what a VPN provider needs to do to gain users' trust

Meta speaker is a lawyer who has just spent his full slot pouring cold water on any approach to messaging #interoperability on every imaginable ground and dismissing all the existing entities running client=side bridges (e.g. iMessage and Matrix).

When #GooglePlay introduced privacy labels, I was very curious to see how they managed to get reliable data about the #privacy properties of Android apps. I know first-hand how difficult and time-consuming privacy audits of Android apps can be. Now Mozilla has taken a closer look, and it seems Google doesn't even have reliable data.

Just uploaded 's wlc tool v1.13 to Debian to make it into bookworm. wlc is a handy CLI tool for managing translations in the terminal. This update enabled ! Thanks @weblate for all your work!

We're getting quite a few people who thought the project was dead for some reason... Remember that you should follow our blog (and this account) for updates.

We released the first open-source accelerated GPU drivers for Apple Silicon just two months ago:

That's the world's first open source driver for Apple GPUs, and also the world's first Linux GPU driver written in Rust, but for some reason it didn't get almost any media attention...

But then we sent out some device trees for Linux 6.2 and that did?

We don't get it...

About yearly, we seem to get another article saying "look! are the biggest contributors to ". These articles come across as PR pieces since they point to data saying who is the biggest contributing company without putting it into context. Like, does contribute 0.5%, 5% or 50% of all activity? Instead the talk about things like "the top leading corporate contributors", leaving out non-"leading" contributors, non-corporate contributors, etc.

An internet toll will penalise consumers & breach #netneutrality. Today, Dutch Economic Affairs Minister Micky Adriaansens warned against the demands of Big Telco. She calls for a differentiated analysis of the problem first, before jumping at solutions. 🧵

If your city couldn’t avoid making a massive city-damaging mistake in the first place, do the next best thing — remove the mistake, and repair your city. Like #Utrecht, Netherlands did with its central area river, then freeway, then river again.

(Image via @BicycleDutch) #Dutch #Holland #Netherlands #freeways #cars #bikes #cities

"The idea that complex social problems are amenable to cheap technical solutions is the siren song of the software salesman"

Re the Online Safety Bill/regulatory proposals invoking harm to the vulnerable as a problem mass surveillance could solve.

client is configured with two repos: Maven Central and the Google one. Yet running `./gradlew buildEnvironment --scan` downloads `org.gradle:gradle-enterprise-gradle-plugin:3.10.2`, which is not available on those two repositories. It seems that is adding repositories automatically, that seems sketchy to me. I confirmed this by running `gradle --write-verification-metadata sha256 buildEnvironment --scan`

Wiki Unblocked is also built by using the process, independently confirming that the binary APK shipped on matched the source code.

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Seeing the utopia that is promised just around the corner with AGI @clarkesworld closing submissions because of inundation by "AI" generated submissions. Feels like a DDOS attack.

World: Can the US please just use the metric system, instead of making up weird measurements no one else understands


If you use Debian container images, please note that "debian:bookworm" images are already using deb822-style repository sources

Something that stuck with me from a previous job is the quote: “don’t underestimate things that have survived many attempts to kill them.”

Think: DNS, bash, C, TCP.

These things have survived this long for a reason. Find out the reason.

This is a post specifically about technology, but the same idea also applies to government. Don't underestimate processes that have resisted prior attempts to reform them, and have continued on in more or less the same way for a long time (e.g., procurement).

These things have worked the way they do for a reason. Find out the reason.

@cryptax if you post a droidlysis v3.4.1 ASAP, I can probably get it into the upcoming Debian/bookworm release. Also, I found a bug when using newer libmagic:

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Just uploaded to the key inspection tools 2.7.0 and the latest from git, ahead of 2.5.2. All sorts of tools like and more rely on these for inspecting Android APK files.

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