@thisven We are exploring funding for litigation and lawyers, that is looking promising. Meetings like this require technical people to spend quality time reviewing documents and joining meetings. @edri and other orgs like that do have lawyers and policy people, and are doing a good job engaging on these issues, especially given limited resources. If you're ready to donate now to support this specific work, I recommend giving money to FSFE and EDRi.

In the end, it was a series of six meetings, each lasting two hours, with 75 pages of quite technical background material. We really need more public interest involvement in these kinds of things, but it is no surprise that few people want to do this kind of thing in their spare time. I always thought I'd contribute code, I'm still surprised to be invited to these things. It is clear that voices carry a lot more weight in this setting. How can we get more people involved?

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There were some other key people there too on their own time, I'd like to thank them for their work too! And some people there for their job were also giving valuable input. (I can't mention who anyone is because of the NDA).

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@hub yeah, crazy isn't it? I think they made it NDA'ed so the mega corps would participate. Plus I think its just EC habit: commission work from big consultancies, which do NDA and corporate think by default.

On my own time, I have to read a ~50 page document produced for the in order to effectively participate in a two hour meeting where is pitted against on the and its requirements around installing and allowing other options.
Its all NDA'ed so I can't ask for help.
This game is really rigged for the megacorps. Wish me luck! Here's to fighting the good fight!

More fun with meetings! This time I'm in some meetings organized by the European Commission, run by a super expensive, multi-national consultancy. We are in with well paid representatives of , some academics, and a couple public interest techies like me. Volunteers like me are again driving the key points that will make or break the . I applied to to fund our work, but was rejected. How can we in the get more people paid to represent users?

@a_sator Es gibt eh schon zu viel Bodenversiegelung und Bodenverbrauch in Österreich.

Nothing like a massive flowing river in the middle of a city to show us who is boss:

@sabreW4K3 @fdroidorg Mostly it is just luck, there isn't any preferencing, if that's what you mean. Bigger, more complicated apps are more likely to run into build problems, that's another factor.

@guardianproject FYI a big portion of the work this position will handle will be directly supporting , including grants and admin work.

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