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client is configured with two repos: Maven Central and the Google one. Yet running `./gradlew buildEnvironment --scan` downloads `org.gradle:gradle-enterprise-gradle-plugin:3.10.2`, which is not available on those two repositories. It seems that is adding repositories automatically, that seems sketchy to me. I confirmed this by running `gradle --write-verification-metadata sha256 buildEnvironment --scan`

@SomaFMrusty Some artists still post albums to their own websites, I buy there when I can. Then there is always then buy merch directly from the band to send them cash.

@cryptax v3.4.1 has passed all the tests, in less than 10 days, it should be part of Debian/bookworm

FYI, I patched back in the support since androguard is part of and easy to support there. I work with massive collections of APKs, so I appreciate having androguard support there to parse those few APKs that the others cannot.

Wiki Unblocked is also built by using the process, independently confirming that the binary APK shipped on matched the source code.

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Seeing the utopia that is promised just around the corner with AGI @clarkesworld closing submissions because of inundation by "AI" generated submissions. Feels like a DDOS attack.

World: Can the US please just use the metric system, instead of making up weird measurements no one else understands


@debian nice, I was just looking at this format, since it makes it a lot easier to manage third party repositories. For example, it makes it easier to specify a signing key for that specific repository.

If you use Debian container images, please note that "debian:bookworm" images are already using deb822-style repository sources

Something that stuck with me from a previous job is the quote: “don’t underestimate things that have survived many attempts to kill them.”

Think: DNS, bash, C, TCP.

These things have survived this long for a reason. Find out the reason.

This is a post specifically about technology, but the same idea also applies to government. Don't underestimate processes that have resisted prior attempts to reform them, and have continued on in more or less the same way for a long time (e.g., procurement).

These things have worked the way they do for a reason. Find out the reason.

@cryptax if you post a droidlysis v3.4.1 ASAP, I can probably get it into the upcoming Debian/bookworm release. Also, I found a bug when using newer libmagic:

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@rene_mobile @matthew_d_green Totally. I have lots of experience with US and EU banking, in both directions, e.g. while living in the US and the EU. The US system is really messed up. Another symptom is all those funny payment startups in the US trying to make payment easier. In the EU, we just do all that stuff with a plain old, cheap bank account. No extra apps, middlemen, fees, etc.

Just uploaded to the key inspection tools 2.7.0 and the latest from git, ahead of 2.5.2. All sorts of tools like and more rely on these for inspecting Android APK files.

@profcarroll I'm a and citizen and lived in both. Things like "identity theft" are common in the US, it happened to me, but are basically not possible in the EU. Personal data belongs to the person. In the US, the data collectors have rights to collect whatever they want and sell it to whoever, and opening credit in someone's name is too easy. In the EU, you mostly need to do that in person still or maybe over the phone. Some may call that bureaucracy, but it works better overall.

The EU digital identity wallet might handle some of citizens’ most sensitive data. Its success highly depends on the trust people place in it. Undemocratic behaviour & the deletion of privacy-preserving features of the new ID are certainly the wrong way to gain society’s trust.

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Software deployments with many active engineers can work effectively by constantly deploying iterative changes and watching for feedback. That is a pattern used by many large software companies and startups alike. But that's not the only effective model of software development. Many projects still use stable releases since they allow progress without requiring constant attention. Once a stable release is deployed, it can be effectively maintained with a drastically smaller effort.

@jxf oh my god, sadly so accurate in so many cases. It turns out that grumpy stubborn people are the ones willing to keep on slogging to keep the thing alive, which also contributes to the grumpiness. This brings to mind the tension between the -driven nature so many great projects, and the need to earn a living in order to do a good job of maintenance. This is a key point where projects should be funded by orgs like Linux Foundation, OTF,, etc

As a committer on a couple of medium-popularity projects I couldn't agree more with this:

"Maintaining a successful open source project is Good Will Hunting in reverse. You start out as a respected genius, and end up being a janitor who gets into fights."

— Byrne Hobart (

I spent the morning poring over the Android 14 DP1 materials, especially the API differences report. Which means, once again, I have some random musings:

As usual, the early developer previews have the most stuff to report on. Thankfully, these posts get shorter as we march towards beta releases.

And, as usual, I don't pull many punches.

All the hype about souped up developer productivity using LLMs for coding reminds me of the original title of this 2014 paper, before it was milquetoasted in 2015 acceptance.

LLMs can help you rapidly acquire semi-plagiarized fragments of well-traveled code instead of using a quality library with vision of the problem domain. Might be great for KPIs, but this debt will come back to bite you, unless you're already gone. Will be painful for orgs to adapt.

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