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@argv_minus_one That seems like an extreme take on it. Have you heard any companies officially saying something like that? Companies are already setup to handle liability for many things, so if a company is liable for the software they create, and their software requires external free software, why would they now stop contributing to that external free software? They would be liable for it anyway, if their products require it. 1/

Jeder Mensch sollte wissen dürfen, was der Staat in aller Namen tut und wo unsere Steuergelder hinfließen. Wir sind deshalb heute beim Hearing im Verfassungsausschuss. Macht braucht Kontrolle & 🇦🇹 ein Grundrecht auf Informationsfreiheit.

@debian I'm still concerned but the Python Software Foundation's post about the 's Cyber Resilience Act () makes me optimistic that it could work for . I do agree with the core idea that companies should be held more accountable than they currently are. The key is getting it just right so that anyone can write whatever free software they feel like writing, and share it on the internet, without having to get a lawyer first.

@hko that is great, we need tools like this. That is the easiest way currently to make a simple UX. I still hope that the core tools can be improved to provide a simple UX, that is much harder and takes longer. is another tool like that.

@jr yes backups are essential! I maintain an offline backup in a separate physical location from both where I live and where work.

Just migrated my and key setup to a new . This only took about 8 hours whereas when I last did this in 2015, it took much longer. I guess this is a sign of process! But these things are still too painful. At least now, the software just works right out of .

Persistent surveillance sold as a cure for loneliness (alienation, isolation, etc) is, IMO, one of the central marketing narratives of the surveillance business model.

But it's rarely put as plainly as this!

The US #Supremecourt has declined #Twitter's legal challenge to publicly disclose national security subpoenas. 👨‍⚖️

At Tuta, we pride ourselves on #privacy and #transparency. Our warrant #canary is live and regularly updated. This is one reason among many that keeping your data securely #encrypted within the EU has major privacy advantages over the US. 📣

You can check out our transparency report and live warrant canary here:

🧑‍🎨 Du hast Lust, die Netzpolitik anschaulicher & bunter zu gestalten und den zivilgesellschaftlichen Impact zu erhöhen? 📢 Dann komm in unser Team als ehrenamtliche Grafiker:in! Wir suchen immer projektbasierte Unterstützung. 😊

Nice: you can launch Quark Engine from JADX. This was added in 2021, but I had missed the features.
Maybe I should tell JADX to integreate DroidLysis ;-)

#quark #JADX #Android #malware

This week in F-Droid (TWIF) was published again. We have some short sentences about:

- The new app AndroidIDE: no NDK support and F-Droid client does not build (yet)
- NewPipe updates still not reproducible
- SimpleX Chat update also for arm64
- Smoke and SmokeStack with new icon and older Android versions

On top of that, we updated 75 more apps.


@FAU oops I mistranslated the country code ES, it should be Spain not Estonia.


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@Kurt @divested F-Droid supports the session installer already in the 1.19.0 alphas.

@divested @Kurt I cannot think how PrivilegedExtension could be incompatible with an ROM. Could you expand on that?

Privileged Extension provides a much better user experience than the official Android "Unknown Sources" update mechanism because it uses the same mechanism as Google Play. Google does not use the automatic updates API that Android provides, and it is buggy and not so well supported.

I would be happy to work with you to get FDroid PrivilegedExtension included

@Kurt that makes sense. I don't follow them so closely, any ideas if a new one launched support for mirrors then? From what I've seen, none of the third party clients support fetching from mirrors. I think they just use

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