For anyone doubting that autism self-diagnosis is valid, look at this graph.

Note how well the diagnosed and undiagnosed-but-assumed autistic people overlap, compared to the near mirror image from non-autistic people.

OMG. DirectX is adopting SPIR-V, and will eventually use it to replace DXIL! 🤯 (Yes, I triple checked. Today isn't April Fools.)

It's the small things: If you've been bothered with and seemingly starting up slowly in (while most other apps startup fast): I've posted MRs to fix this in chatty and calls (which then also prompted a small fix in phosh). Here's a quick demo of calls before and after the change:

...aaand I fixed it. Well, on my device at least.

So who's responsible for this part of SteamOS? @collabora? @igalia? Wanna hire me? 😁

...not that this issue was particularly challenging - just some rebuilds needed - but it's not the first SteamOS problem I've cracked either 😜 The most fun one was definitely

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Please do not add genAI images to punch up your writing. You might think that it adds a nice little bit of visual pizazz to your content-marketing piece, but what you're actually doing is *making it look like content marketing* rather than a useful resource. To the extent that content marketing is an effective tactic, it is because you build trust with the customer by providing them valuable information. A genAI turd plopped on top of your writing is a signal that it will be worthless slop.

The acceptable number of people getting SARS at any given event should be zero. Not ten. Not one hundred. Zero.

SARS-CoV-2 causes chronic disease in 10-30% of infections. That means for every 10 people who are infected, for 1-3 of them that will be a life-altering experience. Some will eventually recover. Others may not.

As reports of people getting infected with SARS at RustConf roll in, it’s hard not to think of those whose life will inevitably change because of this.

Discovering that Xwayland in KWin has been recently broken on made me sad, but then I realized that there's a mainstream game console with which my main gripe is Xwayland in KWin being temporarily broken.

TIL there's European tram driver championship running since 2012 and its disciplines make it even more ridiculous than how it sounds. 10/10 👍

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