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Discovering that Xwayland in KWin has been recently broken on made me sad, but then I realized that there's a mainstream game console with which my main gripe is Xwayland in KWin being temporarily broken.

TIL there's European tram driver championship running since 2012 and its disciplines make it even more ridiculous than how it sounds. 10/10 👍

I released #GNOME #Calls 47.0 yesterday 🚀 \o/

This is the first release running #gtk4 and #libadwaita

Thanks a lot to everyone who contributed code, translations and bug reports!

Find the release notes at

And of course, it has already been uploaded to :debian: 🎉

#LinuxMobile #phosh #Debian #Mobian #Librem5

Quite some years ago, we brought the #OLPC AKA the 100$ laptop to Rwanda [1]. A surprising thing happened. The laptops were often without battery power in the morning. A thing that wasn’t anticipated. It had two reasons. One was the keyboard LED. It was used by the parents to have a light at home. The other was a bigger surprise. The parents used the mesh networking to discuss market prices for their produce. Fascinating. 1/3


Today was "Bundesweiter Warntag" in Germany so a good point in time to test 's & 's upcoming support 🚨 .

The sounds emitted by are only stubs (and you don' t hear the haptic in the video but I promise it's there 😃).

There's three messages because the CBMs are sent out on three different channels.

Thanks @NGIZero for supporting my work on this!

We are excited to launch a new project that will help small and medium-sized fediverse servers and their users have better access to search and discovery through the use of pluggable Fediverse Discovery Providers, supported by a grant from @EC_NGI. See our new dedicated website for details:

Good news everyone! Geoclue 2.7.2 is out.
Now for the bad news: Although alternatives exist, the shutdown of Mozilla Location Services (#MLS) basically crippled #Geoclue for devices without a GPS.
Help is on the way though, code for a GeoIP location source is being developed, and it should make it easy to add different providers. Please see the MR here:
Testing, comments, patches and suggestions for GeoIP providers are welcome!
#MobileLinux #location

unpopular FOSS opinion 

"The Art and Secrets of " - a digital 92-page heavily illustrated with yet unpublished sketches, drawings, paintings and locations from the game - is now out!

Agata (@holypangolin) reveals her thoughts on the curious fruity characters’ personalities and backstories, as well as some difficult decisions she had to make during the design process.

Buy on or @itchio:

Interestingly, BMCs in the Supermicro server are based on ASPEED SoCs.

These SoCs include a USB Device Controller capable of emulating a USB hub via the Linux kernel USB Gadget subsystem. This is the only such controller known to me.

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apparently you can get from Plymouth to Wayland in less than 15 hours

#Wayland #inputmethod team GO!

I assembled a team to continue work I started for #mobilelinux with #phosh , #squeekboard and #librem5 .

We're going to finish the mobile side of screen-based input, and also try to properly bring traditional input methods (like for Chinese) to Wayland.

Thanks @nlnet for providing the motivation.

Watch this account!

#cjk #touchscreen #osk

Just two days left until the first hearing Newag's lawsuit against us (Dragon Sector members) and SPS. It will take place on 28.08.2024 at 10:00. In case you've missed it, we're being accused of infringing upon Newag's intellectual property and unfair competition. This is, of course, bullshit and a great example of a SLAPP case.

@fasterthanlime @Kahanis @uint8_t @mntmn @timonsku @dos I really dislike it that when I ask a question I can't easily answer--which is a *really big share* of questions I ask a search engine--an LLM is straight up lying to me, in a way I can only recognize *because I'm already a domain expert* who was in the field since high school

what if I wasn't? what sort of bullshit would I "learn" then?

It just uses a single preset and doesn't let you adjust anything, but it's a start - some photos already glow up a lot with it. The obvious next step would be adjusting parameters in the XMP file; not a rocket science, darktable does everything for us already.

It probably needs to be fully rewritten before adding stuff, but it's just 400 lines of hardcoded UI code in Python, so that could be someone's one-afternoon project 😜

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Seems like nobody was reaching for this low-hanging fruit, so I did it myself:

"Glowup" is a quickly hacked up thing that lets you glow your Librem 5 photos up with one click right on the phone, using and about 30 seconds of processing.

(late)#caturday 😜

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Librem Social

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