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@aeva It's true! Just browse and you'll quickly stumble upon them all 😁

@mcc @passcod Not exactly; it only updates remote-tracking branches, and there are no remote-tracking tags to update. So after `git fetch origin main` you would have it in `origin/main`, not in `main`.

I rarely use pull in git myself, I usually fetch and then decide what to do (merge, rebase or do nothing if not needed). Fetching tags has some special logic meant to make things simpler, but this sure can make things confusing too, especially when 99% of what you explicitly fetch are branches 🤪

@mcc @passcod You can specify the local ref to write to by using `:` notation, just like with git push. In general fetch doesn't touch local refs unless told to (though tags are a bit special, but not in this specific case).


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#etnaviv #mesa3d

@xethos @frameworkcomputer Looks like it's just a regular modem module not unlike the one on the M.2 card that's used with the Librem 5 though? Nothing open about it except the PCB that it's soldered to.

@aeva @mcc @azonenberg @astraleureka Phew, I just fixed a code like that a few days ago that I left there with a TODO a few months earlier - except it's 18 seconds these days 😂

@nanook @janvlug @mistersixt crimson is based on bookworm, but all the PureOS-specific changes need to be updated too and we're not done yet, so things remain broken meanwhile.

@nanook @janvlug @mistersixt You must have a pretty low threshold of "flawless" then. Even hiding the splashscreen on app launch is broken right now, it always waits for the timeout to pass. Epiphany crashes on launch. No way to copy things from terminal. File diaglos aren't adaptive. Typing with OSK is broken whenever GTK4 shows a completion popup. And those are just the immediately visible ones, there are many more under the hood.

@primalmotion @mistersixt @janvlug Don't get me wrong, I'd probably install it myself too just to play with it early if I wasn't working on it :) I just need to make it clear that "everything still works as expected" isn't very close to truth when I can easily identify several annoying regressions just by using it for 5 minutes and I *know* that there are many more hidden a bit deeper because I've seen what was done there and even introduced some regressions myself :)

@nanook @janvlug @mistersixt

And there was some cheating too - several vital packages got their patches dropped instead of rebased to get the images into buildable and testable state faster.

It's just not ready yet. If you use it regardless, you're 100% on your own.

@mistersixt @janvlug Crimson isn't even ready for developers yet, let alone users. There are many regressions over byzantium, many broken dependencies and many non-installable packages there. It was just barely cleaned up enough for images to build last week, and plenty of work is still needed to put it into shape. You can run it if you want, sure, but expect problems and don't expect any support.

@mistersixt @janvlug Crimson isn't even ready for developers yet, let alone users. There are many regressions over byzantium, many broken dependencies and many non-installable packages there. It was just barely cleaned up enough for images to build last week, and plenty of work is still needed to put it into shape. You can run it if you want, sure, but expect problems and don't expect any support.

@eccentricShaft @kop316 Just to fight the disingenuous: I can fully subscribe to what Chris said there and can add games, giving talks using the phones usb-c output for DP, playing music not only with headphones but also car audio systems via BT (including song information in the cars dash), …

I wouldn't say we have still work to do but who hasn't? This might still be a niche compared to proprietary mobile OSes but there's plenty of people using phones like the as daily drivers.

@kop316 @marcellinusme Also an important point to some of us: AOSP is open-source, but its development is quite locked down, and only serves Google's interests... Working on a Linux-based distro gives developers more leverage to contribute and shape the ecosystem in a way that benefits the community, rather than one single company

@eccentricShaft @kop316 Even though there was a great progress there, I don't think OnePlus 6 has received as much attention when it comes to system integration as Librem 5 or even PinePhones did. I'd even dare to say that there's still a somewhat noticeable difference in that regard between PureOS and other distros - but I may be slightly biased ;)

@dosnostalgic The whole ending sequence right from the booby trap to the exit to the main menu is absolutely brilliant. I have played just the last few minutes (from the last autosave) of Portal 2 more times than I'm comfortable admitting 😅

Can I just say how much I love the ending sequence in Portal 2? I know these days a lot of big games try to do tv/film-like writing and stuff, but I honestly wish more games committed to doing stuff like this.

This week marks 18 months since I have been using a #librem5 as a daily driver. The first few months were probably the roughest, but I have not needed to use Android at all in those 18 months.

Today, I actually find it quite useable! It just works as a phone, and I can do everything I used to do on my Android Phone on it.

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