@dragonarchitect @joepie91 Sorry, but when you choose to spend your personal resources on contributing to the commons, you're free to do it on your own terms and to tell people who want to see it done differently to do it themselves. You don't owe anyone anything. The worst that could happen is that your project will suffer due to your choices, but so be it. Your poor designs and missing features don't need addressing unless you feel like it, and if others disagree they can fork indeed.
Looks like the latest @phosh -rc brings in some nice eye candy improvements: visible background in the app overview, background transparency on the quick settings/notifications page, it almost feels like a christmas present! 😃️🌲️
iio-sensor-proxy 3.6-RC1 is just released! Just in time before Christmas! 🥳🥳🥳
Me and @agx took over the maintenance from @hadessuk a while back and this is our first release.
This release is packed with many nice features and bugfixes! If all turns out well, we will tag a final 3.6 release soon.
If you are working on Free and Open Source technologies that improve the digital landscape for everyone, know that NGI0 offers financial & practical support.
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@hipsterelectron It's racy, it can fail if you delete a post before it gets bridged: https://github.com/snarfed/bridgy-fed/issues/1361
Other than that, it should work and it has worked for me in the past. If it doesn't, that would be a new bug.
@hipsterelectron It does individual deletions, but it's implemented in a buggy way and sometimes fails.
@rdrozd @JFreeWolny To jest strasznie naciągane. O ile dałoby się wywołać celowego DDoSa i warto temu zaradzić po stronie Mastodona, tak jeśli zwykłe rozwiązywanie linka przez kilka tysięcy instancji wywołuje problemy wydajnościowe to coś jest jednak mocno nie tak po twojej stronie.
@mkljczk @polamatysiak @razem No nareszcie. Należało się, ale nie aż tak długo 😜
Folks, I am stunned.
An almost 200-page official draft of a 10-year National Digitization Strategy (yeah, the title leaves a bit to be desired), published recently by the Polish Ministry of Digital Affairs, does not mention "hackers" or "hacking" once.
Not once!
It goes deep into cyber threats, cybersecurity, etc. It mentions "hacktivists" one single time, but in a way that doesn't even make me cringe.
But finds no need to besmirch the hacker community.
@cwebber It's like when people make proprietary source code releases, call that "open source" and then argue that nobody has a monopoly on the meaning of the term while clearly benefiting from its preexisting connotations.
@evan I wonder if there are people who thought that and yet answered "no".
@m0bi Źródło które zalinkowałeś twierdzi coś zupełnie innego.
are you a programmer? do you like heavy metal? would you like to be *really upset* by a music video?
do i have something for you.
Cześć! Pisaliśmy Wam wczoraj o pozwie dla posłanki @polamatysiak który jest ewidentnie SLAPP-em (uciszającym pozwem). Jak wiecie nasza organizacja wspiera osoby dotknięte takimi działaniami prawnymi. Od piątku prowadzimy zbiórkę na opłacenie prawników, którzy udzielają pomocy w ramach naszej poradni, bo SLAPP to w Polsce spory problem. I dziś z okazji Międzynarodowego Dnia Praw Człowieka można zrobić coś dobrego wspierając ochronę wolności słowa - https://siecobywatelska.pl/walcz-ze-slapp/ Z góry dziękujemy za wszystkie wpłaty.
@zaufanatrzeciastrona @polamatysiak Czy to już szczyt bezczelności Newagu, czy dopiero zaczynamy? 😏
@endrift @sakiamu @0xabad1dea At the time when I posted, the .io nameservers weren't pointing to cloudflare at all because the domain was suspended. Not the case anymore though.
@sakiamu @0xabad1dea It wasn't, it's still NXDOMAIN at the root servers.
Hi, I'm dos. ~80 silly FLOSS games, open smartphones, terrible music. 50% of @holypangolin; 100% of dosowisko.net. he/him/any. I don't receive DMs.