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@evan I wonder if there are people who thought that and yet answered "no".

@m0bi Źródło które zalinkowałeś twierdzi coś zupełnie innego.

are you a programmer? do you like heavy metal? would you like to be *really upset* by a music video?

do i have something for you.

Cześć! Pisaliśmy Wam wczoraj o pozwie dla posłanki @polamatysiak który jest ewidentnie SLAPP-em (uciszającym pozwem). Jak wiecie nasza organizacja wspiera osoby dotknięte takimi działaniami prawnymi. Od piątku prowadzimy zbiórkę na opłacenie prawników, którzy udzielają pomocy w ramach naszej poradni, bo SLAPP to w Polsce spory problem. I dziś z okazji Międzynarodowego Dnia Praw Człowieka można zrobić coś dobrego wspierając ochronę wolności słowa - Z góry dziękujemy za wszystkie wpłaty.

@zaufanatrzeciastrona @polamatysiak Czy to już szczyt bezczelności Newagu, czy dopiero zaczynamy? 😏

@endrift @sakiamu @0xabad1dea At the time when I posted, the .io nameservers weren't pointing to cloudflare at all because the domain was suspended. Not the case anymore though.

@Idcrafter @benpocalypse @furilabs > makes more stuff possible in Waydroid

Not exactly - it's just that Waydroid has some stuff already implemented for Halium that it doesn't have for mainline yet, but this could change relatively easily.

(in fact, I'm supposed to be changing that and you can blame me for why it's not happening yet 🙈)

@benpocalypse The answer may be that it's in a different category of phones - it uses Android HAL as a base, relies on outdated kernel etc. For some people that's fine, but for some (like me) this brings in some of the same issues that make them uninterested in Android phones in the first place.

@agx The initial #Cellbroadcast implementation for #ModemManager just landed. Thanks to the MM maintainers for the review and @NGIZero for supporting this project.

#phosh bits (and polishing the MM side) will follow soon.

I saw Primuz performing "Culture Clash" live in 2019, but TIL that The Aristocrats have released a whole album with them afterwards 😋 Apparently they randomly stumbled upon that performance on YouTube and decided to collaborate.

@KekunPlazas @cas @newbyte OK, I may be missing something actually? What's so worrying about "adopting an app" aside of it being somewhat cheesy? It sounds like playing to people's egos and their sense of agency in order to encourage donations, is there more to it?

@cas @newbyte What I wanted to point out is that "engaging in the system" isn't a foreign idea in FLOSS - it's been built on using the system against itself.

@cas @newbyte engaging in "the system" is the whole idea behind GPL ;)

@evan @maryjane Wayback Machine's archive is very incomplete, I could probably scavenge more from my XMPP logs already. No real need for that data though other than feeding my curiosity. Thanks anyway!

@maryjane Pinging @evan then, thanks!

Do you happen to remember whether the old profiles of StatusNet-based users got archived anywhere?

Does anyone happen to know whether the old data of users that weren't migrated over when it switched from to has been archived anywhere? I see a mention that there was a plan to upload it to @internetarchive, but can't find anything more than that.

Things don't "fall into the public domain" at the end of their copyright term, Ugh.

Once released from copyright, works Ascend into the glorious ranks of the public domain, fulfilling their rightful destiny as part of the cultural heritage of humanity!

#copyright #publicdomain #culture

@grzeeesiek @rail_ I tak dobrze, że nie wybiegł ciuchci z naprzeciwka z wyciągniętymi ramionami by pomóc jej wyhamować 😆

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