Quite some years ago, we brought the #OLPC AKA the 100$ laptop to Rwanda [1]. A surprising thing happened. The laptops were often without battery power in the morning. A thing that wasn’t anticipated. It had two reasons. One was the keyboard LED. It was used by the parents to have a light at home. The other was a bigger surprise. The parents used the mesh networking to discuss market prices for their produce. Fascinating. 1/3
@martijnbraam One thing that instantly comes to my mind is that you can just set it in $PATH to deal with stuff that doesn't handle triplets at all.
@martijnbraam Usually they would be hardlinks though.
@picoretro Naaah, you first juice up your menus for quick dopamine boosts and then leave the core game eternally unfinished, moving onto something else. That's the way! 😂
@picoretro You're doing it backwards, that should be the first 90%! Right? Right???? 😅
@hauleth @sos @q3k @Perroboc As an example, Mozilla Location Services have been recently shut down, breaking some stuff I've worked on in the past. Would I have to do anything about it? Nope! There's enough docs available for anyone to implement their own replacement, and users are easily able to point the software to that instead of MLS. And guess what - that's exactly what's happening right now.
Things get shut down all the time, you can either be conscious or ignorant about that possibility.
@hauleth @sos @q3k @Perroboc Of course? I mean, if you didn't take that possibility into account when designing your product before putting it on the market, then you clearly didn't do your job right.
Anyway, discussing such edge cases in context of the petition is utterly pointless. I'm sure you'll be able to sound your concerns like that when (and if!) a relevant law gets proposed during its public consultation. Hard to discuss law's wording when it doesn't exist yet.
@hauleth @sos @q3k @Perroboc It feels like you've seen some different petition than what I've read. What "solutions" are you talking about? There are none in the petition and they're not supposed to be there, so how can we even discuss their wording? It's a problem statement pointing to some existing laws to justify the need to work on solution. This whole thread is ridiculous to me, really - am I missing something?
@sos @q3k @Perroboc What analogy? I only quoted the petition verbatim, haven't made any analogies. It specifically asks for "no involvement" from the developer, so what liability are you talking about? It's not even applicable to "thing breaks" scenario at all. Did you want to reply to someone else?
@sos @q3k @Perroboc If I sell something that's understood to be a working product, then it's my friggin duty to not "remote disable" it "before providing reasonable means to continue functioning of [it] without the involvement from [me]". Anything else should be outright illegal, and that's not limited to video games. How is this wording even slightly controversial?
Today was "Bundesweiter Warntag" in Germany so a good point in time to test #ModemManager's & #phosh's upcoming #cellbroadcast support 🚨 .
The sounds emitted by #feedbackd are only stubs (and you don' t hear the haptic in the video but I promise it's there 😃).
There's three messages because the CBMs are sent out on three different channels.
Thanks @NGIZero for supporting my work on this!
We are excited to launch a new project that will help small and medium-sized fediverse servers and their users have better access to search and discovery through the use of pluggable Fediverse Discovery Providers, supported by a grant from @EC_NGI. See our new dedicated website for details:
@sos @q3k @Perroboc Honestly, I'm reading your concerns and questions and I'm baffled. I just read the whole text of the petition in both PL and EN and I simply can't fathom how possibly could you come up with such malicious interpretation of it? Have you skimmed it too fast perhaps?
The petition is quite reasonably worded and I'm fairly certain that what's proposed is not going to negatively affect me as a game developer in any way, so I just signed it and encourage everyone else to do so too.
@whitequark I actually quite liked PD 2.0 when I read it, at least when ignoring the deprecated Type-A/B stuff. Felt more approachable than regular Type-C state machine.
PD 3.0, however, made me weep.
@mazzoo Depends on your definition of "widely". It is somewhat common, with many implementations available - though often under the name AppleMIDI.
@mazzoo Are you aware of RTP-MIDI?
@kornel Pity it doesn't seem to exist - though it looks like the trailer has managed to go somewhat viral, so in the end its development may actually start one day ;)
@aanee What I'd recommend is to get an already working device and to find a component with available datasheet and missing functionality in its kernel driver. There should be plenty of such bite-sized low hanging fruits out there, which will let you gain enough experience to work on and debug more complex stuff with devices that aren't ported yet.
I don't know how a "porting for dummies" guide could even look like, this kind of stuff tends to be highly device-specific.
Hi, I'm dos. Silly FLOSS games, open smartphones, terrible music and more. 50% of @holypangolin; 100% of dosowisko.net. he/him/any. I don't receive DMs.