Show more It will run just the same way, but for its results to make sense you'd have to prepare a Lensfun calibration profile for the PinePhone camera and likely adjust the sidecar file a bit.

@rasumi Tap and hold the bottom bar.

There used to be a clearly visible button there which I adored, but people wanted the bar to be thin, UX be damned 😝

@rasumi This has been changed two months ago already:

And what do you mean by "there seems to be no option to manually close [the keyboard]"? It was there since the very beginning.

@ambitiousslab (I have to admit that it's partially my own fault; I have reworked L5 UCM profiles from the ground up long time ago, but neglected upstreaming them and now there are flawed profiles in upstream repos ☹️)

@ambitiousslab It's probably PipeWire. AFAIK nobody adjusted the audio pipeline to work there with echo cancellation and noise reduction yet. I wouldn't consider it suitable for phone use until that happens. It's not rocket science, PipeWire is actually more flexible than PulseAudio for this kind of stuff, but... someone has to do it. Switching back to PulseAudio and reproducing the config from PureOS (including ALSA UCM profiles) would likely give you much better experience right now.

@fasterthanlime @Kahanis @uint8_t @mntmn @timonsku @dos I really dislike it that when I ask a question I can't easily answer--which is a *really big share* of questions I ask a search engine--an LLM is straight up lying to me, in a way I can only recognize *because I'm already a domain expert* who was in the field since high school

what if I wasn't? what sort of bullshit would I "learn" then?

@ambitiousslab @urheber > either one side can’t hear the other, or the audio quality is too quiet, or not very good

Which OS are you using? I haven't had call audio issues for ages on PureOS (I'm not a heavy caller though 😜)

@timonsku @mntmn @uint8_t @whitequark @fasterthanlime ChatGPT helped me once. I asked it about doing something in the PDF syntax. I could then completely ignore the nonsense it spewed, but use the terminology it used to find the relevant part of spec instead of Adobe Acrobat tutorials that search engines were very stubbornly providing me with 😜

@silmeth It's 0.7 plus whatever the metadata defines (which is often 0, but still). Nothing "automatic" indeed.

@silmeth Aside of white balance and color calibration, darktable may also apply exposure compensation, highlight recovery and filmic curve by default. But yeah, it's just a very basic processing, "starting point" if you will. It's clear from the photos that other applications did more with it.

@silmeth darktable does much more than just demozaicing by default, but yeah, sentences like "it’s the one that should give the truest representation of what came out of the camera" do not inspire confidence or trust that the author has the slightest idea of what they're talking about 😛

@williamtries One of the obvious next steps would be to adjust denoising strength based on sensor gain value. For now I've kept the strength fairly low to not unnecessarily lose detail in well lit photos, but poorly lit ones could sure use a bit more.

@jawsh If you create an appropriate calibration profile and preset, then sure - though you'll likely also need quite a bit of patience when running it on the PinePhone ;)

@pocketvj It's using darktable-cli to develop the raw files with a better (but slower) pipeline than what Millipixels does by default (which is fast, but very basic). Never used gmic.

@cocolinofan It's better than nothing, but definitely not something that should go into Lensfun database. It needs proper calibration samples, the ones I took so far suck in a way or another.

@janvlug It appears that he's moving in, but still needs to work on gaining approval of other tenants 😺

It just uses a single preset and doesn't let you adjust anything, but it's a start - some photos already glow up a lot with it. The obvious next step would be adjusting parameters in the XMP file; not a rocket science, darktable does everything for us already.

It probably needs to be fully rewritten before adding stuff, but it's just 400 lines of hardcoded UI code in Python, so that could be someone's one-afternoon project 😜

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Seems like nobody was reaching for this low-hanging fruit, so I did it myself:

"Glowup" is a quickly hacked up thing that lets you glow your Librem 5 photos up with one click right on the phone, using and about 30 seconds of processing.

(late)#caturday 😜

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