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@nical GSK has always been and still is so inefficient it just hurts to look at in RenderDoc; it's especially noticeable on mobile. Not complaining - it's doing well given the available resources - but if only some company actually invested dev hours into its performance it could do real wonders and make a huge difference.

Very, very happy that our proposal for adding #cellbroadcast support to #ModemManager and #Phosh was accepted by @NGIZero : 🗼 〰️ 📱


@mobian It is lens-specific and there is a database commonly used by image processing applications to apply such corrections (lensfun). This photo isn't a very great specimen for calibration, but it should be enough to let me learn how to do it 😜

@cnx Yup, cranked it up to eleven to not distract from the point with vignetting 😛

That's how straight lines look like through your phone's camera lens. Such distortion needs to be corrected in software.

A new release of #feedbackd is out (

Besides some cleanups the user visible change is that "blessed" apps can now override the global feedback level so e.g. your alarm clock can ring even when the phone is in quiet mode (


@lewiscowles1986 I guess SourceHut is as close as it gets to be a modern take on such approach, since while it's a suite of various tools for various purposes you should be able to easily mix'n'match them or deploy in parts (e.g. is analogous to gitweb and only becomes a project management tool when combined with and

@lewiscowles1986 Well, it's easy - because both Gitea and Gogs follow the GitHub's approach. They take a VCS tool and build a project management & collaboration tool around it. You already said that's not what you want ;) The approach you described used to be popular in FLOSS about 20 years ago (with projects commonly deploying single-concern tools like Bugzilla, Trac, Jenkins, gitweb, Patchwork etc.), but these days it appears to be used just by a minority of long-standing projects.

@lewiscowles1986 They don't do version control. Their primary feature is to do project management *around* version control. Their basic value propositions are based on issue tracking and contribution management. Features like CI are useful for scrappy one-dev projects and big FLOSS communities altogether, it's hardly a "corporate BS".

Again, if all you care about is version control, all you need is gitweb.

@craftyguy @cas @claudiom One of the first things I did when I started to work on Librem 5 years ago was to figure out how to easily boot a known good kernel+initrd pair over uuu, which later turned into Jumpdrive port. It's such an essential thing to have when hacking on anything! Turns the worst screwups from "oh no, not this again" into "no worries, let's get it quickly back up".

@lewiscowles1986 @postmarketOS It's good that neither of them is about doing version control then. Gitweb is super easy to set up ;)

@lewiscowles1986 @postmarketOS GitLab used to be incredibly powerful compared to GitHub, as GitHub stayed rather barebones for a good while. Today you don't see it like that because over years GitHub has caught up with most of the things that made GitLab unique.

@mcc @jernej__s MariaDB happened at the beginning of Obama's administration, so it sounds like you may have decided to stay with MySQL afterwards. Pretty much the entire community moved over to MariaDB more than a decade ago already, so no wonder the channel is dead.

Randomly stumbled upon Sean Moss-Pultz's short post about Openmoko, featuring some photos of a working prototype of GTA03/3D7K, the cancelled successor to the Neo Freerunner that was being worked on around 2009. So far I have only heard verbal descriptions of how it looked like (usually described as "a soap dish" 😂) and seen photos of some casing mock-ups and bare PCBs, but never a complete device.

"If you make your own engine you'll never ship a game"

I'm here to tell you this is BS. Kitsune Tails uses a custom engine built on a custom framework all made from the ground up by yours truly. Neither of these were even remotely the bottleneck for development duration. Turns out that the thing that takes the most time when you're developing a game is all the stuff that is hyper specific to that game and can't be generalized anyway

Not to mention all the, you know, actual content that sits on top of the engine. I can write a json parser and serializer from the ground up in a day or two, but all the cutscenes I had to script for KT took many weeks

Then there's the fact that if I'd used an out of the box physics solution for Kitsune Tails I'm fairly certain I'd never have been able to nail the game feel it has, which is the most core thing to the whole experience

You don't *have* to make an engine but quit pretending doing it is the hard part of making a game. It fucking ain't

"Copyleft is less free than permissive licenses because permissive licenses allow you to make proprietary forks of free software" is a worldview that just straight-up makes no sense at all

@wiktor The most important thing is: how long will the Q&A session be? 😂

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