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@nekohayo Well, guess which service implements cellular network tower based positioning 🙃

It will be easier to replace than WiFi though. And yeah, there's GNSS, but it needs time and sky visibility.

@rotopenguin @doragasu a. was more like "dead on arrival" than "deprecated" 😂 and when it comes to b., DP can't interleave with USB packets, but it can operate using just two lanes and leave the other two to USB.

After being kneecapped by a #patents troll years ago, #Mozilla Location Services, the only somewhat trusted (non-Google/Apple) "Wi-Fi positioning system" (geolocation based on triangulating collected #WiFi SSIDs), is now shutting down:

MLS was how #GeoClue could get a meters-accurate location without a #GPS receiver / sky line-of-sight.

It was used by many #GNOME / #KDE apps to get instantaneous neighborhood-level location (for maps, local weather…) on #Linux laptops.

@catsalad Had a really excessive number of annoying papercuts after updating to 6.0.1 - nothing really showstopping though and 6.0.2 already fixed vast majority of them, so it's not bad after all 😊

@stfn @wariat @pecet To podstawowe składowe każdego sterownika graficznego pod Linuksem. Zapewne nadal używasz już nierozwijanego Xorga - Nvidia od wielu lat miała własny sterownik dla Xorga, ale Linux w ciągu ostatnich dwóch dekad dorobił się wielu API do obsługi GPU i sam robi rzeczy, które kiedyś robił Xorg. Nvidia dopiero niedawno wypuściła sterownik implementujący te API i nadal ma w nim poważne braki (a gry to jeden z use-casów który na tym cierpi, z migającymi klatkami pod Waylandem).

@stfn @wariat @pecet Nvidia latami nie potrafiła przygotować działającego sterownika implementującego GBM, a dzisiaj nadal nie ogarnia niejawnej synchronizacji buforów. To są absolutnie podstawowe aspekty stosu graficznego, ich brak nie mieści się w mojej definicji "działa".

@wariat @pecet Jeżeli ma działać i mowa o x86, to odpowiedź brzmi "wszystko tylko nie nvidia".

@raptor85 @sos @kkolakowski CMake is a leaky abstraction with awful DSL, and my 12yo cmake scripts are a pile of incredible mess riddled with technical debt, but it still does its job well enough that I could just point my projects to stuff like devkitpro, vitasdk, osxcross, Emscripten, Flatpak or Steam Runtime and focus on actual porting rather than fighting with build recipes.

@sos @raptor85 @kkolakowski To do actual work, we have proper IDEs that can handle such exotic and rarely-seen things as CMake projects (/s) natively 😂

@sos @kkolakowski Is it though? All I can see here is you trying to use a tool blindly without understanding what it's for :P
It's a build solution generator, and VS project files are merely one of the kinds of outputs it does (alongside Ninja, Make, Xcode and plenty of some obscure ones too). Generated files are just intermediate build artifacts - you use them to build, they're not for human consumption nor for editing.
It's simply an abstraction on top of various incompatible build systems.

@kkolakowski @sos It's a much better idea than having to maintain a myriad of separate build scripts for each platform and having to deal with stuff like Visual Studio or Xcode directly. CMake isn't a particularly beautiful implementation of that idea, but any other sane build system works the same way.

@krosylight Not in gaming mode at least. It may make sense when used with nested kwin_wayland for example (which is how I usually run Plasma on my Deck), but it's useless when used directly under gamescope.

You could run gamescope with `--expose-wayland` parameter, but even then it will only work with very simple apps; definitely not with Firefox 😅

@krosylight Which part of "everyone" is ambiguous? 😜 Yes, mine too.

@krosylight Gamescope doesn't really handle Wayland (xdg-shell) clients. It has some very basic support, but not nearly enough to handle apps like Firefox, so it all goes through X11 over XWayland.

@cassidy @flathub Wow, the 35 character limit for sum---maries is extreme in English already, and it's not the most verbose language out there 🙈

"---" denotes the 35th character mark 😭

phosh 0.37.0 is out 🚀📱:

- Wi-Fi selection via quick settings
- Build custom quick settings via plugins
- Caffeine quick settings
- Support fractional-scale-v1 protocol
- Updated #squeekboard layouts
- Improved Sound file and favorites selection
- Hardware specific pages in Tour
- Support notches of 16 more phones
- Support trie predictor in p-o-s
- Support more emojis in p-o-s

Check out the full release notes at

#phosh #gnome #linux #mobile #LinuxMobile #GNOMEMobile

#Librem5 and notebook sharing the same keyboard and mouse.

Moving the mouse over the edge of the screen into the direction of the other device brings the mouse focus to the other device - just like moving the mouse between displays in a dual screen setup.

The keyboard focus follows. It is like a kvm that is controlled by the mouse position.

Let's #deskhop!

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