I hastily threw together a version of #Conversations_im that has no address book integration and doesn’t ask for Contacts permission.
This seems to have made it through Google Play review just now meaning the app is no available on Google Play again.
No indication from Google that they were in the wrong and hallucinated the whole "uploads contact list" thing. Instead I had to walk the path of least resistance and remove the useful and entirely harmless feature of address book integration.
@tudza "Telling them otherwise" is the hard part. Look at the troubles Conversations (XMPP client) is having with Google Play right now.
Also, it's not some kind of a wide net I've been caught into. Some of my other games are still available, and I see no pattern in ones that got removed (randomly over the years). And the only game I uploaded that's not FOSS and likely does some light analytics (based on Defold engine from before it went source-available) is still there.
POV: a few years ago you uploaded a bunch of games into Google Play that:
- are fully Free Software
- don't gather any user data
- are fully local, no ads
- are complete and finished
- don't really need updating.
One of the games was removed because of "missing privacy policy". Others - I don't even know, they didn't bother to tell me 😜 Seems like the idea that some apps may simply respect the user and not exist to mine for data is unfathomable to Google.
🎙️ Compared to last year, we decided to do the podcast inside the cafeteria instead of outside, and on Sunday instead of Saturday. Twice the amount of FOSDEM days to talk about, and with more people talking in the background. Enjoy!
@mcc Simply adding "pointer-events: none" to the indicator's element should do the trick.
@ptrc Thinking about it, stuff like Firefox Translations or Mozilla Common Voice kinda fits such label 🤔
@polamatysiak Oni nie mają za grosz instynktu samozachowawczego.
@nullagent @MissBehave FYI there's a huge performance gap between PinePhone and Librem 5. L5 feels much closer to PPP than OG PP, for several reasons in their specs that people miss at first glance (GPU, LPDDR4, L1 cache, fast eMMC...)
@gerowen It took a long time, but by now all pre-ordered Librem 5s had been produced and delivered (as long as the customer didn't cancel or went MIA meanwhile). It reached shipping parity about half a year ago: https://puri.sm/posts/we-have-your-phone-ready-to-ship/
@Minetest I've noticed Minetest being shown at Linux Mobile stand as well 😂
FWIW I've just posted subtitles for the talk, available under the same link above. You can use this mpv invocation below to watch it captioned:
mpv https://video.fosdem.org/2024/h1309/fosdem-2024-3200-universal-serial-bug-a-tale-of-spontaneous-modem-resets.av1.webm --sub-file=https://dosowisko.net/fosdem24/fosdem-2024-3200-universal-serial-bug-a-tale-of-spontaneous-modem-resets.av1.vtt
@eevee It's not like C brings much to the table in terms of typing either 😅
WebKit GTK4 is now fully accessible. Shipping in GNOME 46
Co-funded by @sovtechfund and @igalia ❤️
Completed by Georges Stavracas at Igalia 🎩
Thanks to everyone involved !
• https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gtk/-/merge_requests/6827
• https://github.com/WebKit/WebKit/pull/23926
Hey :) @bleeptrack and I are building a #Git learning game for the browser, and we could use your help!
We built three prototypes, and are not sure which one is best. Today, you can try all of them! There will be a poll at the end of this thread.
Note that these prototypes are still incomplete and a bit rough. But we think you'll figure it out!
All three let you use a real Git, which we run in a Linux VM in your browser! 🤯
Dear companies,
please don't make having access to Google's or Apple's app stores to use your products a requirement.
This locks so many of us out because we either don't have a compatible device or the device doesn't have the software to access these services (like google play services).
1️⃣ /2️⃣
Hi, I'm dos. Silly FLOSS games, open smartphones, terrible music and more. 50% of @holypangolin; 100% of dosowisko.net. he/him/any. I don't receive DMs.