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@kalisz79 @avolha Przed chwilą dodzwoniłem się po 20 minutach wiszenia na linii i ponoć już dojechały, więc mogę znowu iść łapać covida w autobusie 😜

@kalisz79 @avolha Nie zwracajcie uwagi na termin wystawienia. Sprawdzałem kilka dni temu i nie było skierowania, mimo, że później się pojawiło z terminem wcześniejszym. Zapisy ruszyły dopiero szóstego.

Inna sprawa, że dzisiaj pojechałem na umówiony termin, a szczepionki nawet nie dojechały do przychodni 🤪

@sithian @polamatysiak Tu nie ma czego potwierdzać, nokaut już nastąpił 😁 Czekamy tylko na prezentację na 37C3.

The Call for Papers for the "FOSS on Mobile Devices" devroom at @fosdem runs until the end of this week! Now is definitely the time to submit your talk proposals at 😉️

Don't be shy, all free/open-source projects related to smartphones and tablets are welcome!

#FOSS #FLOSS #FOSDEM #LinuxOnMobile #LinuxMobile #MobileLinux

hey folks, if you're interested in giving a talk about something #LinuxMobile related at #FOSDEM in February then please do send us a submission!

Speaking from experience with last year it's a whole lot of really chill people, so whether you're a seasoned public speaker or haven't given a talk before ever (I'm the latter) it should be a really great time, and a good way to let people know what you've been working on.

Instructions on how to submit a talk can be found here:

I can finally reveal some research I've been involved with over the past year or so.

We (@redford, @mrtick and I) have reverse engineered the PLC code of NEWAG Impuls EMUs. These trains were locking up for arbitrary reasons after being serviced at third-party workshops. The manufacturer argued that this was because of malpractice by these workshops, and that they should be serviced by them instead of third parti


@cas @jacqueline I keep hearing that take since at least 2008 and I couldn't agree less. Take an MCU and attach a modem module, it's a DIY project. But what would it be good for, for me at least? I'm working on all this stuff because I want/need a pocket computer with cellular Internet connection (and I'm already quite happy with what I got) - and since it has a cellular modem already, I don't want to have to carry another device just to occasionally answer calls from my mom :P

@wonziu Nawet aspirowało się do pracy tam. Dzisiaj to już byłby akt desperacji 🤪️

Update your to firmware 1.3.0 and get Petal Hero from the app store - it's OUT NOW! Comes with 5 songs bundled, but you can extend it with songs for and other similar rhythm games. Here you can see me playing Jono Bacon's version of the Free Software Song - though I do better when not in front of the camera 😂 @flow3rbadge

We are happy to announce the next firmware update 'sn00w' v1.3!
The team has been hard at work since #cccamp23 and it comes with a huge amount of improvements to your #flow3r!

You can install the firmware with our web firmware flasher. No installs required:

You can read the full changelog at:

Checkout the video below to see some of the many highlights of this release:

Itch are doing a Creator Day event again. I'm very happy for people to buy my works before/after this so that Itch receive their cut, but I think that this event's framing of supporting creators as worthwhile is very, very important.

A key lesson in 2023 has been that corporate governance models don't matter. The investors always win.

This isn't just from the lesson of OpenAI and it's board versus Microsoft. It's also the lesson of all of the public tech companies whose founders have super voting shares but did layoffs anyway because they had to move the stock price.

Capitalism always finds a way.

There's a whole thread I need to write about reckoning with whether, as a progressive, advocating for more secure software is consistent with my political ideals. Far too often, users must act under a threat model where both malicious third parties and the producers of their software are hostile threats. Secure software helps against one of those but makes the other worse.

Interestingly, a significant chunk of applies to the #LinuxMobile "market", especially the section about software support.
Actually, you could replace #RaspberryPi with #Librem5 in this section and it would still make a lot of sense! Kudos to @purism engineers for that 😉️

@sos One more thing worth stressing out - most of what you were talking about applies well also to many other kinds of games than software rendered ones! Rolling your own tech is also perfectly viable for many high-res 2D games. Writing a simple GPU accelerated renderer for those is something a single dev can easily handle, but there's also plenty of ready made portable stuff to pick and match :) Allegro's OpenGL renderer alone handles a dozen different platforms in my projects.

Our shared stand together with #PureOS, @mobian, #SailfishOS and @ubports for #FOSDEM2024 got accepted!

We hope to see you all there! We'll show of some devices running all our awesome software and will gladly answer all your questions and show you all the new cool stuff that happened since last year!

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