@purism Customs in europe for receiving #Librem5 are too high! See Reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/Purism/comments/et8lfc/purism_hq_are_you_actively_looking_for_a/ Can you find a reseller e.g. Alternate.co.uk for europa? Please, there are rumors about ~ 150€ ADDITIONAL that's really ramping the price up up up. 😥 I already smell people cancelling the order.
@kyle That's so great to hear! Thanks for sharing experiences!
#DietPi why are you packing the #sha256sum inside the arcive? I can not find it anywhere else but i have to say did not search for it very long. Furthermore i could not find a E-Mail to tell you that the sha256sum of DietPi_RPi-ARMv6-Buster.7z did not match the sum INSIDE the Archive 😑 wtf folks get your stuff togeter! ####EDIT: the shasum matched after second download. but where are the sums outside of Archive? On Git?
Monero could use our help! ❤️ Please give some of your #XMR for research of Dr. Sarang Noether for improvements of #Monero 💪 ❤️ https://ccs.getmonero.org/proposals/sarang-2020-q1.html
@KekunPlazas @purism @matrix steht 😮 😍
@heiseonline 😂 versucht ruhig monero zu stoppen 🤣 wie dumm, diese Schweizer !!!
@dos it's a beauty 😍
@purism ❤️ ❤️ 💪
We are often asked, why does the Librem 5 cost that much? Because we are "Breaking Ground" https://puri.sm/posts/breaking-ground/ https://youtu.be/IQIxr5qcasQ
When you order a #Librem5 you get a #Linux desktop in your pocket and support an #EthicalTech future where our #privacy and data aren't exploited by #BiGTech for profit https://puri.sm/products/librem-5/ #security
RT @eff: Privacy Badger and Firefox observed working together to defend your privacy https://eff.org/pb http://t.co/1tDaubAMya
@BalooUriza 393TB 😎
#purism contributions to #Linux #kernel 5.4 ❤️ 💪 https://puri.sm/posts/purisms-contributions-to-linux-5-4/
Ein Antrag im Kasseler Stadtparlament fordert bei der Neuanschaffung von Software dem Grundsatz “Public Money, Public Code” zu folgen und sich dabei verstärkt auf #FreieSoftware und #OpenSource sowie #OffeneStandards zu konzentrieren.
Um eine Mehrheit zu erreichen brauchen wir eure Hilfe: Überzeugt die Parlamentarier*innen davon für den Antrag zu stimmen. Eine Vorlage findet ihr auf unserer Wiki-Seite: https://wiki.fsfe.org/Activities/ContactingAdministrationsForPMPC
RT @eff: PayPal CEO @Dan_Schulman thinks you don't care about privacy.
But polls and a 28,000-signature petition from Mozilla tell a very…
@crossgolf_rebel Das ist ein sehr guter Tipp, vielen Dank! Nur 329,00 € für den 14Zöller...
#Dell hat 12 Laptop Konfigurationen mit #Ubuntu #Linux 18.04 vorinstalliert. Nicht so selbstverständlich für den deutschen Markt. Leider machen sie nicht viel Werbung dafür. Und auch welche im „Volksnotebook“-Preissegment, aber dafür ohne den völkischen Namen. :)
Geklaut auf #Diaspora
@purism On Librem5 i'd like to see latest stable Firefox and Signal Messenger (apt signal-desktop) and Monero-GUI (https://web.getmonero.org/downloads/#linux) and FreeTube (https://github.com/FreeTubeApp/FreeTube) and Steam (https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/client/installer/steam.deb).... 😃
“this guy said ‘you can’t awaken someone whose pretending to be asleep’” https://www.invidio.us/VFns39RXPrU