#satire 😅
#Karneval in #düsseldorf
#carnival in #germany
#putin #trump #xijinping
#russland #USA #china
#Jinping #amerika #politik #politics #Russia #America
03.03.2025 Source: https://www.t-online.de/region/duesseldorf/id_100618650/karneval-in-duesseldorf-rosenmontagszug-mit-drei-nackten-praesidenten.html
#DietPi why are you packing the #sha256sum inside the arcive? I can not find it anywhere else but i have to say did not search for it very long. Furthermore i could not find a E-Mail to tell you that the sha256sum of DietPi_RPi-ARMv6-Buster.7z did not match the sum INSIDE the Archive 😑 wtf folks get your stuff togeter! ####EDIT: the shasum matched after second download. but where are the sums outside of Archive? On Git?