#PureOS for Creatives Part 1: Music Production with the #librem15
"In 2020, there is a free software equivalent for every mainstream commercial program on the market today."
The first in a three-part series on PureOS for Creatives by our guest blogger, Tre Scranton
The #GUADEC fun doesn't end with the sessions, we have social events and activities too! Take a look at what we've got planned: https://blogs.gnome.org/engagement/2020/07/16/social-events-at-guadec-2020/
#GUADEC #OpenSource #FOSS
Surveillance capitalism is the same as climate change, but for data:
- Some people have been warning about its consequences for years
- Most people don't care because they don't feel concerned, they can't see it affecting them
- A few companies are making a lot of damage with the help of governments
- When we will face the consequences it will be too late
- We can still do something about it, and the sooner the better
An analysis of the Zoom #privacy policy and all that's wrong with it:
In short: better don't use this for anything sensitive and don't make other people install the Zoom app - ever.
Sign against Julian Assange’s extradition to the United States
English: https://t.co/uw8hYIsNGI
Francais: https://t.co/UB5kzhJQbA
Español https://t.co/OQMVwggHsu https://t.co/LuKxn4HXk6
Mozilla's move to @matrix has officially been opened for the general public last night. Blog post here: http://exple.tive.org/blarg/2020/02/20/synchronous-messaging-were-live/
You can find the Mozilla #a11y team here: https://matrix.to/#/#Accessibility:mozilla.org.
And if you missed my introduction to the #Riot web interface for screen reader users in December, here it is: https://marcozehe.de/2019/12/20/how-to-get-around-matrix-and-riot-with-a-screen-reader/
I updated a URL on one of @gitlab's documentation page to link to a new feature and they shipped me a cool mug! #myfirstMRmerged
Buying a new TV?
Be aware! Your privacy could be invaded and your viewing data would be sold.
I love this post:
"When we first approached hardware manufacturers almost two years ago with this project most of them instantly said “No, sorry, impossible, we can not help you.”. Others warned us, that it could never work, that it was too complicated, “the industry does not do that” and so forth.
And yet here we are, later than we wanted, but we are actually shipping first hardware! It is possible but it comes at a price." #Librem5
There's a petition to Save the .org top level domain. Apparently, ICANN could still stop it from being sold.
I know, petitions rarely work, but I also know that _sometimes_ they do.
Please consider signing if you _run_ anything there, or if you _use_ or _care about_ anything that's on a .org domain. Also, boosting this to others who follow you, would be very much appreciated.
This article about Google's project to store and analyze millions of Americans' health care data confirms my suspicions about the Fitbit acquisition.
Many people who don't care about mass data collection because "I've got nothing to hide" change their tune when it's health care data. #privacy
Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison could free Assange from Belmarsh prison if he wanted to, James Ricketson tells Newscorp.
The Australian filmmaker was freed from prison in Cambodia after Australia's government made representations on his behalf.
We're trying to defend #FOSS from patent trolls. Please help us: https://www.gnome.org/news/2019/10/gnome-files-defense-against-patent-troll/
Aspen batch phones going out next will get an anodized chassis - look at those kill switches. Thank you for your patience as we incrementally ship through tens of thousands of Librem 5 phones over the coming months. Yes, we know you're excited, we are too and you will be impressed! #Purism #Librem5 #Linux
"If this video disgusts you, it should. It happens daily in Iraq. The rules of engagement in Iraq are a joke"
- Ethan McCord, the US soldier seen carrying one of the two severely injured children in the #CollateralMurder video.
👏 Send huge congrats 👏 to @mastohost for this. It is for the health of the #Fediverse and a very good call.
They write:
"I have added the following to the terms of service:
I will not accept to host Mastodon servers that promote or that become a gathering of users around the following topics:
...National Socialism
Holocaust denial
Alt right, including under the disguise of freedom of speech
Sex and gender discrimination
I will also not accept Mastodon servers that are mainly used for the following activities:
Automated sharing of third-party content, news sources, websites or social media content that doesn’t belong to you
Trolling, insulting and derogatory comments towards others outside your server
Mass following and aggregation of content..."
Read the full leaked draft NASA/NOAA US climate change report
#Strike4Climate #climatestrike
I am into science and climate activism. I love to learn about social issues and to challenge my own perspectives. I'm also into free and open-source software and I am back in University studying computer science.