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"Da alle ärztlichen Daten in Deutschland künftig in Form von elektronischen Patientenakten () bei IT-Firmen in der gespeichert werden sollen"

Habe ich da etwas verpasst? Ich dachte die Verwendung der elektronischen Patientenakte solle freiwillig sein und bleiben?

Ja. Das bezieht sich auf die Echtheit des Artikels. Das wird ja häufig angezweifelt.
Originalausgaben aus dem Jahr sind halt schwierig.
Was aber eindeutig belegt ist, sind nahezu gleichlautende Artikel aus Neuseeland (14.8.1912) und Australien (17.07.1912). Hier sind digitale Versionen in den Archiven verfügbar.


Die Recherche konnte eben nicht 100% nachweisen, dass der Artikel echt ist; dennoch ist es sehr plausibel.

Just looked in for a setting to tell it where to set the focus. Did'nt find what I've been looking for.

On my every time I switch to the firefox window or change the active tab the virtual keyboard pops up.

This is anoying. I guess it happens because firefox puts the focus on the address field.


Is anyone here interested in developing with me a #Python + #GTK app for the #Gnome desktop that addresses the #Nextcloud #Password API? The goal is to develop for #libhandy, so for the #Linux phones like the #Librem5 or #PinePhone. Please feel free to boost.

Reminder that it was British Petroleum that came up with the carbon footprint,and made everyone blame each other rather than fossil capitalism.

"This is one of the most successful, deceptive PR campaigns maybe ever"

Do you own your Tech? Or does your Tech own you?

Only way to prevent doors from opening, is to shut them, quickly.

1.) File scanning precedent, part of domino effect against privacy in all tech.

2.) Inspires more invasive #tech innovation standards.

3.) Human reviewers means *always* access to your files (for those commenting "maybe it's because e2ee coming 2 icloud!').

Only way to shut this box is vote with our wallets: Support #OpenSource.

#Privacy #HumanRights #Libre #FOSS #Linux #Apple

Does anyone know of good FOSS dictation software? In my brief search on the web most of the options out there are built for research and/or geared towards using speech recognition for executing commands.

I just want to feed it a file and get a transcription output. Must be on device, I don't want to use a cloud service for this, cli is preferred.

"Da alle ärztlichen Daten in Deutschland künftig in Form von elektronischen Patientenakten () bei IT-Firmen in der gespeichert werden sollen"

Habe ich da etwas verpasst? Ich dachte die Verwendung der elektronischen Patientenakte solle freiwillig sein und bleiben?

Installed flatpak 1.0.0 on my running . First it didn't decide on font size which ended after I set text size to 200% to make it readable and then back to 100% to make it readable after the next start of tootle.

But the scrolling doesn't work for me no more. Reinstalled the apk 1.0.0alpha to check and it works as before when started from the command line to not run the flatpak.

Does that make sense, @bleakgrey?

Haha, im wächst !

Heute für Hering in weisser Soße (Sahneheringsfilet ohne Sahne) verwendet.

Warum macht die in meinem eigentlich so unscharfe Fotos?

Immerhin konnte ich die Fotos zum Hochladen mit convert von .tiff in .png umwandeln.

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die story
"Die Dinge werden so gebaut, dass sie kaputt gehen. Sie sollen sich ja ein neues Gerät kaufen".

Dieser Film wurde im Jahr 2020 produziert. Alle Aussagen und Fakten entsprechen dem damaligen Stand und wurden seitdem nicht aktualisiert...
(44 min) verfügbar bis ...
#FARBfernsehen #doku #nachhaltigkeit #RechtAufReperatur #elektrogeräte

The on my had been running with --no-remote --private.

In /home/mobian/.local/share/applications I have a .desktop file with those options added.

I do not remember that I put the file there and changing the options to not include --no-remote solved the problem that I had opening an url out of e.g. tootle when firefox is already running.

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Just changed the vetical scrollbar of on my from the right side to the left. Works better for me, because I do not scroll accidantly using the scrollbar when swiping a page up or down.

But still I can`t open urls from when firefox is already running. A issue with the .desktop file?

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