Ab jetzt kann man „Männer, die die Welt verbrennen“ kaufen und darin lesen:
- Warum wir zu wenig gegen die #Klimakrise tun
- Wer daran Schuld ist
- Warum diese Leute im Grunde wissen, dass sie verlieren werden.
Ich verlose unter allen, die diesen Post teilen, ein Exemplar mit Widmung nach Wunsch.
When doing the #deskhop to share keyboard/mouse between my #Librem5 and my notebook on the Librem5 still the on-screen keyboard (#osk) keeps popping up and takes away part of the small screen.
This can be disabled through gsettings but doing so each time when I place the phone beside my notebook is tiresome.
So I recovered some old proof of concept I had made, tested it and packaged it:
switch-keyboard installs an #udev rule that triggers when an external keyboard is connected and disables the osk. On disconnect it re-enables the osk and there is an entry for the menu included to just toggle the keyboard on and off just in case you're left without #osk after disconnecting an external keyboard.
@white_gecko@chaos.social guessed it already: It's a really cute hardware hack called the #deskhop.
Everything you need to know to build a #deskhop can be found in its repository.
The parts you'll need are easily found and the pcb can be manufactured using the provided files.
Or you could look for a complete set of parts on flohmarkt.
#Librem5 and notebook sharing the same keyboard and mouse.
Moving the mouse over the edge of the screen into the direction of the other device brings the mouse focus to the other device - just like moving the mouse between displays in a dual screen setup.
The keyboard focus follows. It is like a kvm that is controlled by the mouse position.
Let's #deskhop!
A decentral federated small advertisement platform
#flohmarkt provides its own http server that can be used stand-alone to show small ads that registered users may publish.
Registration works through the server itself and can be switched off (to run a server for e.g. only one person or only the persons that had been registered until that moment).
To register it's necessary to provide an email address to which a confirmation link is send.
Registered users can access a simple form to publish there small ads. The small ads can be looked at by anybody who is able to reach the website.
To communicate with someone who published a small ad the server hints to an unregistred user _"To answer this offer please log in or create an account. OR use another fediverse-account".
The small add visited turns out to be a note in the fediverse. It's url can be opened with your favourite fediverse client at the server you're already registered to. You then can boost the small ad like any other note you read.
Or you can use your account to answer the author of the small ad if - and only if - you mark your note as 'private' aka 'direct'. This way you can contact the person.
It's also possible to follow accounts on flohmarkt servers like any other account in the fediverse to get new small ads published by that account in your timeline.
Looking for a #USBc #hub #OpenHardware design with the following features:
1 usb-c power in for a usb-c pd power supply
1 usb-c connector to connect to a device
that consumes pd power (5V / 3A)
that connects to the other ports of the hub
2 usb-a ports powered from the hub to connect keyboard, mouse or a memory stick
If possible (would be extremely nice):
a third usb-c connection to connect some usb-c device like a smartcard reader, simple memory stick, etc. (wouldn't need pd)
Any suggestions?
Just registered an un-official #matrix room for #packetfence.
Genossenschaften, die in Deutschland Ökostrom anbieten
Wenn ihr euch das irgendwie leisten könnt, dann wechselt bitte alle zu einer Energiegenossenschaft!
Hier pflege ich dazu eine Liste
Gerne nehme ich noch weitere Genossenschaften mit auf.
Nur so können wir als Gesellschaft die Kontrolle über unsere Energieversorgung zurückgewinnen.
Denn aus den Genossenschaften kann kein Kapital abgezogen werden.
Am besten werdet ihr auch gleich noch Genossen, dann könnt ihr sogar mit entscheiden, in welche Anlagen die Gewinne investiert werden.
Einige der Genossenschafte sind sogar schon hier im Fediverse angekommen: @buergerwerke@mastodon.green
This #PowerSupply just broke. It stopped working one day without smoke or smell.
It has been connected to a 12V lamp which it could dim. Beside being most times switched on and off by a switchable wall socket touching the lamp a short time switched the light also. Holding the lamps case made the lamp dim down, back up, down again and so on.
I'm not an electrical engineer, but I know some very basic of the parts I can find inside the device.
How would I go about trying to figure out why this thing stopped working and maybe repair it by exchanging some of its components?
flohmarkti: a specimen that is willing to install and test a pre-alpha software to run a small ad server that talks to the #fediverse via #activitypub.
Some flohmarktis are able to read #python and/or #javascript and some of those even can adjust existing code or even create new meaningful functions.
Some of them hang out on #flohmarkt* channel on #LiberaChat* where they exchange ideas, discuss code and just have a nice chat.
Most of them try already selling stuff on one of the running deployments.
All of them follow with great pleasure the fast development of #flohmarkt* towards its first release.
#NewZealand stopping #smokingBan - some thoughts:
#smoking gives most governments tax income
follow-up costs of smoking are covered by health insurances and/or individual cost for #health care
smoking often goes along with average lower education and/or psychological problems getting off addictive substances (or not starting with them at all)
To put it together my impression is that politics are corrupted by the tax income from selling cigarettes. The additional tax money is paid by people needing help, because they do not understand how bad smoking is for there health or they are not able to get away from the #addiction by themself. For each Cent tax incoming from cigarettes politics are willing to let shareholders of cigarette companies take their share. All the bill in the end is paid by the health systems.
This all seems like a scheme to take money out of the health system and divert it to shareholders and tax.
The suffering of the people getting ill from smoking is not even part of this equation.
I bet taking a closer look at who pays most of the costs for smoking by money and lifetime and who gains from the things financed by states with the additional tax money does even paint a darker picture.
That the dividend paid to shareholders can only make the riches richer is the obvious part.
Looks like spring is coming: just turned on automatic high contrast in #phosh for the first time this year.
Der #Tatort aus #Göttingen (https://www.daserste.de/unterhaltung/krimi/tatort/sendung/geisterfahrt-100.html) illustriert (hoffentlich überspitzt) die Arbeitsbedingungen.
Ich möchte #Pakete empfangen können und ich möchte, dass diejenigen, die sie bringen, besser bezahlt werden.
Ich gebe ihnen einen #PaketEuro.
Running hot? cgroups! https://chrichri.ween.de/articles/a2f68e1/running-hot-cgroups
Der Flohmarkt auf #Fediflohmi wurde aktualisiert und bietet nun einige neue Funktionen, wie die Möglichkeit eigene Konversationen zu exportieren. Danke wie immer an @grindhold und die ganze #Flohmarkt Community!
This account moved to @chris