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flohmarkti: a specimen that is willing to install and test a pre-alpha software to run a small ad server that talks to the #fediverse via #activitypub.

Some flohmarktis are able to read #python and/or #javascript and some of those even can adjust existing code or even create new meaningful functions.

Some of them hang out on #flohmarkt* channel on #LiberaChat* where they exchange ideas, discuss code and just have a nice chat.

Most of them try already selling stuff on one of the running deployments.

All of them follow with great pleasure the fast development of #flohmarkt* towards its first release.

Bitcoin Wallet Keystone Essential
Hardware Wallet Keystone Essential für Bitcoin (und andere Kryptowährungen mit entsprechender Firmware). Für den Betrieb werden vier AAA-Akkus oder -Batterien benötigt. * Touchscreen * Kamera für QR-Codes * microSD Kartenleser Wenige Male benutzt :: This is a small ad on - Please respond with a direct/private message.
Bitcoin Wallet Coinkite Coldcard Mark 3 Rev C
Bitcoin Hardware Wallet Coinkite Coldcard Mark 3 Rev C * Mikro-USB-Anschluss * microSD Karteneinschub * Tastenfeld Wenig benutzt. :: This is a small ad on - Please respond with a direct/private message.

#NewZealand stopping #smokingBan - some thoughts:

#smoking gives most governments tax income
follow-up costs of smoking are covered by health insurances and/or individual cost for #health care
smoking often goes along with average lower education and/or psychological problems getting off addictive substances (or not starting with them at all)

To put it together my impression is that politics are corrupted by the tax income from selling cigarettes. The additional tax money is paid by people needing help, because they do not understand how bad smoking is for there health or they are not able to get away from the #addiction by themself. For each Cent tax incoming from cigarettes politics are willing to let shareholders of cigarette companies take their share. All the bill in the end is paid by the health systems.

This all seems like a scheme to take money out of the health system and divert it to shareholders and tax.

The suffering of the people getting ill from smoking is not even part of this equation.

I bet taking a closer look at who pays most of the costs for smoking by money and lifetime and who gains from the things financed by states with the additional tax money does even paint a darker picture.

That the dividend paid to shareholders can only make the riches richer is the obvious part.

Looks like spring is coming: just turned on automatic high contrast in for the first time this year.


Der aus ( illustriert (hoffentlich überspitzt) die Arbeitsbedingungen.

Ich möchte empfangen können und ich möchte, dass diejenigen, die sie bringen, besser bezahlt werden.

Ich gebe ihnen einen .

Gibst Du den Paketbotinnen und -boten auch ein ?

Mehr oder weniger als einen ?

Der Flohmarkt auf #Fediflohmi wurde aktualisiert und bietet nun einige neue Funktionen, wie die Möglichkeit eigene Konversationen zu exportieren. Danke wie immer an @grindhold und die ganze #Flohmarkt Community!

heut ging ganz schön was voran in #flohmarkt. ihr könnt jetzt inserate und die konversationen darin exportieren um sie für den fall eines konfliktes nach dem kauf archiviert zu haben. so kann der service selbst datensparsam arbeiten und alles was er über einen artikel weiß vergessen, nachdem dieser verkauft wurde. ein grosser schritt richtung DSGVO <3 ferner gibts einige neue features fuer serveradmins. user können ihre passwörter und emails ändern. und noch einiges mehr.

Impresionante como funciona Yunohost para montarte un servidor personal.
Me encanta la parte de diagnósticos donde te explica lo que tienes mal configurado, clave para no volverte loco con que los correos vayan a spam.

Otra cosa que me llevo de conversaciones del último FOSDEM (danke @stereo !)

#YunoHost #SoftwareLibre #SoberaniaTecnologica

[DE] Deutsche Umwelthilfe 

Sometimes listening isn't enough. Had to go into a video conference yesterday. Listening to music on my #Librem5 worked fine, but when I tried to get audio in the conference I remembered that my desktop is broken, because of this #Debian #Bookworm #Pipewire issue I wrote about.

I had to ask the other participants to wait, because I'd need to restart my desktop to get sound. Not funny if connected with people partly working on Apple devices.

#Workaround time: the major problem at the time being in my use case seems to be #Mozilla #Firefox and #Thunderbird leaving sockets to pipewire-#pulseaudio open.

I now run them using PULSE-SERVER=unix:/dev/null <program> and it seems they really do not connect to pipewire-pulse anymore and therefor can't leave its sockets open.

No sound in #Mozilla apps is o.k. - I can always run #ungoogled-#chromium if I need a page deliver sound.

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Uhm, I'm listening to #InternetRadio using my #Librem5 while on my #notebook at my desk. Why?

There's this bug letting pipewire-pulse fail, because too many connections are open.

I didn't find a way to have the #Shortwave #Flatpak play directly using pipewire.

Nice to have the same software stack on my mobile phone which now is connected to my usb speakers.

Ubiquiti EdgeRouter ERLite-3
Firewall/Router inkl. Netzteil. Das Gerät ist basiert auf Debian und kann leicht für andere Zwecke erweitert werden. Es gibt auch ein OpenWRT Image. Inklusive Netzteil.

#flohmarkt - a lot of improvement!

It is really nice to see that during the last few days

irc channel #flohmarkt started on Libera.Chat
the flohmarkt repository has been re-organized to let volunteers write to the wiki
the activity on open issues increased immensely

This would be a dream come true to have an open and decentralized small ads market place.

Pinephone Keyboard
#Pinephone #Keyboard: looking for new owner / suchte neuen Besitzy. Used once for testing, like new / Einmal zum Testen benutzt, quasi neu. #flohmarkt #biete #kleinanzeige

In flohmarkt.conf.example there is a line

ExternalURL =

which I interpreted as put your domain here as http. This is valid for test running the software and connecting directly to its http server.

To run it on the internet I added a reverse proxy forcing the use of https. For http requests the reverse proxy answer with a redirect 301 to the same location via https.

Mastodon seems not to follow these redirects when posting messages for flohmarkt users.

But if the ExternalURL is set to an http address this address is propagated via webfinger to flohmarkts communication partners which than try to use http and do probably not follow redirects for POSTing to flohmarkts /inbox.

Short: no message reception from Mastodon instances if flohmarkt runs behind a reverse proxy that wraps http into https if not https in ExternalURL. #flohmarkt_support

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Librem Social

Librem Social is an opt-in public network. Messages are shared under Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0 license terms. Policy.

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