Virtual-ID for Thunderbird stopped working and it is not developed anymore.

Does anybody know another client or plugin where I can change the from-addresse easily when replying to an email?

Please boost this. This is very important for the way that I work with emails.


Update: Avast has shut down the subsidiary company that was capturing and selling customer data due to all the backlash. One down, a few thousand to go.

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I've really been enjoying how easy it is to write simple, useful GUI applications for the and I wrote two posts this week that describe how I wrote a simple screenshot and flashlight app:

My personal Librem 5 arrives tomorrow, dudes and dudettes! What's the first piece of software I should install on it?

And, yes, I'll post pictures and video and whatnot. :)

The first Librem 5 smartphones are shipping “This is a big moment, not just for us as a company, but for everyone concerned about issues of privacy, security, and user freedom. The Librem 5 represents years of work, building the software and hardware required to make this phone a reality.” - Todd Weaver, founder and CEO of

Johann Pachelbel's Canon in D, performed on rubber chicken, has renewed my faith in mankind.

Just putting it out there: if anyone ever wants help - debugging, problem-solving, tutoring, whatever - with the Linux CLI (bash/ksh93, GNU coreutils..., vi, emacs, sed, awk) and/or git, I'll help.

I won't make you feel bad for anything you don't already know. I promise. (Nobody ever should.)

I'll reiterate every once in a while. Boosts appreciated!

Mass shootings in 2019 in countries that play a lot of video games

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telnet # For maps in your terminal from OpenStreetMap. Use arrow keys to move around and a/z to zoom in/out. Or use your mouse if your terminal supports that.


Heute haben wir in der Synogoge von Rhodos zufällig Sami Modiano getroffen. Er überlebte Auschwitz und erzählte uns - einer deutschen Gruppe - seine Geschichte. „Mach ein Foto von meiner Nummer und zeig es allen! IHR müsst die Geschichte weitererzählen!“ #niewieder

password generators are shit because they have to rely on the random number generators in your computers and software that the NSA obviously controls

the most secure password generator is putting a cat on your keyboard because nobody knows what the hell those devils think, not even the NSA

Today 3 years ago 12 people founded Nextcloud as an 100% Open Source, sustainable, community oriented and privacy aware cloud project and company. I‘m so happy and proud to see what the Nextcloud community achieved since then.

I decided to create a small survey to ask a few non-personal questions about Fediverse users, their opinions on its various platforms, and their thoughts on non-Fediverse networks, such as Facebook and Twitter.

The survey is oriented at people who currently use the Fediverse, and does not provide any way of saying that you do not currently use it.

If you’d like to participate in the survey, you can do so here. It opens at midnight on the 13th of May at midnight AEST (12th of May, 2pm UTC), and closes one month later on the 13th of June. I’ll be posting the results every now and then until it closes.

Please answer honestly, and send it to your friends if you’d like them to participate too! :mlem:



When you're staying at a hotel and the Internet goes down, so you poke your head into the IT closet and reset the cable modem without permission.

@gbryant @lunduke I have a hard time spelling in my native tongue and spelling in English isn't any easier😊 . Feeling and not felling... Apologies to all you of English tongue.
And lets not mention grammar...

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Librem Social

Librem Social is an opt-in public network. Messages are shared under Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0 license terms. Policy.

Stay safe. Please abide by our code of conduct.

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