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It's time for a round of "Lunduke says obvious things about himself because a few people like to make up things about him."

Lunduke is not now, and has never been, a Nazi.

Lunduke is a proud Jewish man.

Lunduke believes in freedom. Free speech and Free Software are my jam.

Lunduke believes in and lives by the ideals of Bill & Ted: Be excellent to each other.

Lunduke has been fighting for basic civil rights for ALL (incl. same sex marriage) since he became a grown-up in the 90s.

@funnypanja @paulfree14 No, It's different, "Antifa" as a group is a bunch of fucking bonkers. I am anti fascist and anti communist, but I would never associate myself with "Antifa", I'd call myself Anti Fascist but never Antifa.

The "From Mac to Linux" Issue
What you are about to read is a #Linux magazine—with a focus on #Apple computers running #macOS. I know, it's weird. It's extremely weird—like cats and dogs living together weird.

Ok Linux-y friends: who should we be following here?

I've heard of this most excellent dude called @lunduke you should checkout his show. And don't forget, Be excellent to each other.

✅ Easy Installation

✅ Powerful Admin Dashboard

✅ One click updates

Shipping in v0.9.5 with Remote Follows!


the real cyberpunks were the friends we made along the way


"cd projekt doesn't understand the nuanced themes of cyberpunk like I do! now please please buy my cyberpunk boardgame where you fuck dogs"


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almost every single person that blows up on talking shit about cyberpunk 2077 has a competing shitty cyberpunk product they're trying to shill at the same time, pretty weird isn't it?


Guys I think some people on the fediverse might be into 'loli'

Do I enjoy programming because I like technology? No.
It's because I hate it. I will never let it defeat me or stand in my way.
I will win.
You Will Do As You're Told.

Stop using Google Chrome.

Google Chrome is moving to remove autonomy from Web users. Excuse me while I purge it from my machines. Please remember - it’s a “open source” “project” (commerically provided product) whose goal is to not to “affect our [Google’s] ability to customize ads and/or could block ads online, which would harm our business” (from their SEC 10-K filing).

Google Chrome is not built for people; it’s built for Google, by Google. You are their bank.

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Librem Social is an opt-in public network. Messages are shared under Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0 license terms. Policy.

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