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Angel boosted

Does anyone know how to contact

The site got hacked (now occasionally serves spam links, and does who knows what else), and their contact form was taken down.

(I hate to start a boost chain, but this is somewhat important. #pleaseboost)

Angel boosted

Apparently a user was blocked from for LINKING to my video about #Gab #Dissenter browser!

I show the info and give my response here:

Angel boosted

We're looking at something new running on the Librem 5 Dev Kit every single day.

Day 3: Web Browser

Angel boosted

Black Hat drama this week shows the risks in creating a machine/process w/ the power to censor a group for personal views. Always starts w/ dangerous/unsympathetic views, inevitably expands to censor other groups based on shakier grounds.

Angel boosted

@doublerainbows thats great that all the good work is paying off. I'm waiting with anticipation for the rest of the releases on fdroid since I am shedding the dirty dirty Google apps and play store.

@danielst @purism yeah, still can't afford it. Being a mature student and carer I will have to wait till I have a job after learning to code.

@purism wish I could afford to get one. Or they are still on sale when I can afford one.

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