Nice #Librem5 update today brings Camera-Update. All the different functions (Gain, Balance, Exposure, Focus) can now be set to auto. While not always working perfect, this enhances my fotos as my use case in 99 % is not to set all parameters perfectly but to just take quick a foto. Also there is video-recording now. I am excited. I am about two weeks daily driving my Librem5 now and I feel that I will not switch back to Android. #purism #linuxphones
@rdebusscher Great post! Exciting!
Fedora Linux 38 is OUT NOW!
💻 New website to make it easier to find the Fedora you're looking for
🌀 New spins like @BuddiesOfBudgie, Sway WM, and Phosh
@gnome 44 on Workstation Edition
📦 Steps toward DNF5, will be our new package manager
🥳 And more!
Big thanks to the hard work of the community for getting this stable release out on the early target date. ❤️ Get it now!
#Fedora #Linux #OpenSource
@dos What a huge accomplishment! This is so exciting. I so look forward to purchasing my Librem 5. Each year you and your team are doing heroic work to make the phone as comfortable of a daily driver as Android/iOS. I can't wait to see what the future holds for Mobile Linux 😄️.
Seaweeds are not plants. They’re algae, without roots or leaves, although they do photosynthesize: harvesting the sun’s energy to build themselves. BUT there are a small number of real flowering plants in the sea: the seagrasses, which evolved from terrestrial plants and grow in large meadows. Mostly water moves pollen around, but for at least one species, small crustaceans do the job of bees and carry sticky pollen from one plant to another. Underwater gardening, anyone? #Ocean #Seagrass
@gfxstrand Thanks for insight! 😀️
@TheEvilSkeleton Your articles are often the highlight of my day. They are always detailed and insightful. Great work!
#OnThisDay, 26 Mar 1974, Gaura Devi and 27 village women prevent the logging of trees in the village of Reni in the Himalayas. They confront armed men from the lumber company and hug the trees to stop them being felled.
Part of the Chipko movement, which was protesting deforestation, the women’s actions led to a protection order and fed into a wider desire to protect the Himalayan region.
#WomensHistoryMonth #WomenInHistory #histodons @workingclasshistory
@TheEvilSkeleton Thank you for the amazing post!
strange thought:
If I got 1$ per month for every package I maintain for Fedora Linux, that would basically be enough money to live on ...
Popular packages I'm responsible for include:
- the new Sequoia based GPG backend for RPM (present on *every single Fedora 38 install*)
- CLI tools like ripgrep, exa, lsd, bat
- Rust bindings for GLib, GTK3, GTK4, GStreamer, etc. (which are used to build librsvg2, gnome-tour, helvum, etc.)
so ... who wants to adopt some packages? 😁
@EvolutionGnome Thanks for taking the time to provide the update 🙂
@d0od I feel that the image of the app is more enticing to view the article
@emilyjiang Excited to learn more about Jakarta EE 10
@boilingsteam Fedora Budgie is shaping up to be the spiritual successor to Solus.