Show more @calebccff Yeah, just a question of preference, I guess... @calebccff Nice!

BTW, on mine in SXMO, I removed the clock and battery percent from the statusbar, so stuff isn't hidden by the notch. Maybe should be upstreamed to the device profile if others would like that...

@johntrain "Your iPhone" is a tool for dominion, but whose dominion? Ever read the EULA?

@tbernard @pwithnall

Part of becoming an elite programmer is leaving behind so-called "office apps" and embracing text editors, tui apps, REPLs, and the shell.

I have better tools to handle 80% of the use-cases for office apps, so for me, they're already mostly replaced.

@jameschip "Any Old Port in a Storm" and "Dagger of the Mind" would also be good choices (Though I think "Double Shock" is my and my wife's favorite so far too).

@popey This is how Apple hostages will consume all (non-affero) GPL-licensed software in the future.

Me trying to figure out how an API works in a FOSS tool: "Let's go to the git repository to see what it does."

Me trying to figure out how an API works in a multi-million dollar VLSI tool: "Lets guess and check a bunch of random ideas because nothing works like it should."


@martijnbraam Since I started daily driving pmOS (stable), I stopped daily using mastodon, so I missed out on voting in this poll. @libreleah

> Does anyone care to link something or explain?

For work, I used to follow a CVE list for a popular Linux distro. About 90% of the vulnerabilities listed were related to WiFi (and so didn't affect us).

@martijnbraam @primalmotion a wayland frontend for links (graphical mode) would be great if someone wants a project.


@ChiaChatter Fun! And my dad has a goal of making a recording for all the songs on there, so you'll see more recordings pop up as I upload them: though most have been guitar.

@utopify_org @neauoire I once wrote a bf program to print the hex value of an inputted character. Wish I never lost that program. They say "all programming languages can be good when used properly". I say "just don't try 'n' force me to use it!" 😝

joke explanation 

@utopify_org @neauoire The 'nonvalid' characters are actually comments. bf is supposedly nice for polyglotting that way. IIRC it was meant to output "NOPE". With an ascii reference, writing bf to output some string is fairly trivial.

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