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@linmob @pocketvj @Saroufim The big difference between the linux (desktop) version and the android version is that it uses a side-bar instead of a bottom bar. There are also some UI elements which are clunkier than their android counterparts. And routing seems to be either broken or unusable (this was built from git tag 2021-06-20)

@pocketvj @linmob @Saroufim I've successfully compiled it on my laptop (x86_64 manjaro), so it's probably either an /#postmarketos problem, or an one.

Has anyone tried compiling on ?

thought i would compare mastodon clients for mobile linux.
Compiled and set up . is still compiling dependencies. One of these is written in , can you guess which one? (this experience makes me want to learn )

@pocketvj @linmob @Saroufim
I didn't follow those instructions (I just did a simple `./ && cmake . && make` after ` PATH_MAX 128` in platform/platform_unix_impl.cpp`)

@pocketvj @linmob @Saroufim but many tests pass:
mwm* tests❌
Other routing tests❌

@pocketvj @linmob @Saroufim
It compiled with little modification, but so far, I've only gotten to accept the Eula before a crash.

@linmob compilation 71% complete (less than four hours left!). Maybe I should figure out cross-compilation from laptop to pinephone...

@linmob oh, I guess just don't forget --recursive when initializing submodules.

@linmob building on postmarketos snagged on including boost library, which they have bundled as a git submodule and looking for version "1.76".

@garritfra @oppen I've heard people with blood type 🅾️ are less likely to have a bad reaction from the virus or the vaccine. Is that your blood type?

@oppen for Ariane?

When I first saw it, I thought the best implementation would be allowing user-defined proxy servers for arbitrary schemes. You could configure one for gemini, http/s, spartan, gopher, next-big-thing. If the proxy server returns gemtext, nothing new needs to be implemented in the app.

@linmob better yet would be a copy and a paste button for squeekboard.
It should be technically feasible, because copy, cut, and paste have their own keycodes.

> Time is a talent given us by God, and it is misspent and lost when not employed according to his design. If we have lost our time heretofore, we must double our diligence for the future. Of that time which thousands on a dying bed would gladly redeem at the price of the whole world, how little do men think, and to what trifles they daily sacrifice it! People are very apt to complain of bad times; it were well if that stirred them more to redeem time. – Matthew Henry

#time #quotes

@clarity I'm curious: do you make backups for any/all of your devices?

What could substitute for it?
I think too nobody wants to be reminded of death today, much less learn how to die.

@zudn maybe because the meaning/connotations of the word 'awful' have changed?

git clone
sudo apk add vala gnutls-dev json-glib-dev meson
cd fossil
meson build; ninja -C build

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