Would that rely on there being more good commits than bad?
You don't need hardware video decode if you just use Links! And websites are so much faster without any moving parts!
Safe to assume the syntax highlighting is coming from a text editor and not from a modified `cat`?
Reveal.js (maybe through slides.com, though R-Studio can also make reveal presentations)
Shotcut (comparable to iMovie from the mid 00s)
Libreoffice writer
For your gradebook, I would be tempted to recommend making a file called grades.csv. CSVs are very portable, so there are dozens of programs that can open them.
How difficult is that to do? Like is it as easy as updating PKGBUILDs and sending them to the right... places
(Also, is it fair to call it `cubes.sr.ht` if I don't ever expect it to be hosted on the main sourcehut instance?)
Coming at an undefined time: cubes.sr.ht -- a way for normies to make a simple homepage using markdown, predefined CSS themes (customizable colors), and absolutely no javascript whatsoever.
If I can run it as a cronjob, probably yes.
The PeerTube content bootstrap fund:
Please boost!
Decided to just use the archive that included dependencies: much easier setup!
Now I'm running into a
> template engine <tt>smarty3</tt> is not registered!
Obviously I'm not following the right instructions... (or any instructions). So there is a `bin/console autoinstall`.. running this tells me
> The Friendica URL has to be set during CLI installation.
From the registration email:
The login details are as follows:
Site Location: http://
I'm having issues setting up a friendica server. When I try to register or log in, it redirects me to `https:///` (like it doesn't know the domain... and how should it?)
For reference, I'm using nginx (and have https set up).
Any linux desktop environments (or ways to configure) that provide the ^A ^E 'emacs' cursor movement shortcuts system-wide?
This https://askubuntu.com/questions/10008 thread doesn't seem satisfactory.
Just your average linux user (above-average computer-person) with fullstack web dev experience.
Views of my employer do not reflect mine.