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Having said that, with the new restrictions, I can make work again but with severe limitations: only posts with lots of likes will be forwarded.

Is that worth doing?

@jerome I designed from the beginning to rely on endpoints that would break major use-cases of their product like yours if they ever remove them.

Turns out Elon is perfectly willing to break them, which completely blows my mind


"a fascinating way to show users the refresh rate of their screen by spinning a specially designed zoetrope-like disc graphic at speed. As it spins, the numbers representing the viewer’s refresh rate should remain visually stable unlike surrounding numbers."

@jerome I designed from the beginning to rely on endpoints that would break major use-cases of their product like yours if they ever remove them.

Turns out Elon is perfectly willing to break them, which completely blows my mind

Looks like Twitter has made it so that when you look up a profile without being logged in, you see posts ranked by likes instead of by time. This will be a problem…

TweetDeck still runs, but it is hidden 

@adam That or interactions from fediverse users with replicated accounts

Guys I didn’t change anything yet and started working again 🤯

@troy what software do you use? Do you have a git somewhere?

@troy I have some workarounds already, interested in collaborating?

Looks like Twitter has removed the endpoint was using to fetch profiles...

I'll do another reverse engineering round to figure out another way

it was the fuck aroundiest of times, it was the find outiest of times

Just hooked up to tracing software for the first time and it's really fascinating!

For exemple, this is an histogram of how fast Twitter answers queries for recent posts by an account.

Look how slow it is! There are a few speedy one at 50~ms, but most are >300ms, which would indicate that they are not cached.

I would have thought it was the other way around, most accounts cached a few that have posted recently that are not cached

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