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@aurynn 1) Twitter sells the tweets to third parties with no way to opt-out. I don't feel bad using the content of those that support Musk to grow the fediverse. The official recommendation of to delete their mirror is to delete their twitter account

2) I really don't want to promote terf and other hateful content, but I want people to be able to research hate and/or be able to organize counter-protests. It's a hard line to thread. Always happy to hear your thoughts on that though!

@aurynn hey! What’s wrong?

On my side, I’ve been having some problems pulling from Twitter in the last few days, and traffic has been spiky. Is it about that?

I'm also starting to think they made changes server-side also. I think I will have to make some changes to be more stealthy

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ELI5 of how it works: you know how you can browse the site and see tweets for free? is pretending to be humans doing that!

So we are at a point with where I'm sending to many requests to Twitter and I'm triggering some rates limits. The plan is to figure out Wireguard, than I'll split request half and half from the server to my home using a rasberry pie. Sounds fun!

(but expect relaying delays while I set that up)

It's amusing to me that star trek imagined a world where an AI faces social rejection because he's rational, fact based, literal, fiercely/dogmatically moral, and struggles with social nuance. But here in reality we invented AIs that have no concept of truth, give zero fucks about accuracy, have no rationality, and can't do math, but match vibes and tone nearly perfectly.

The first artificial person will not be an autistic science officer. It'll be an extremely allistic salesbro or politician.

Seeing the CEO of TikTok testifying to congress was interesting. But just wait till you see John Mastodon called to testify.

I guess the spare Raspberry Pi 4B that I have will come to the rescue and offload some work!

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People keep saying that people will adapt to AI like we did to other tech revolutions.

But the scale and the speed of progress in AI will dwarf anything we’ve ever experienced before.

The technology will have impact far faster than our ability to adapt our societies.

On a more technical note, I find it interesting that since is so efficient with JSON (processing JSON is most of the work that has to be done to run a service like this), more than half the CPU time is actually used by the kernel networking stack handling a few hundreds requests per second (both inbound and outbound)!

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This is an amazing chart from the International Monetary Fund. If we stopped subsidizing fossil fuels, we would come very close to meeting our international climate targets. You can support capitalism or the fossil industry, but not both.

Please consider supporting if you haven't already:

And thanks to all that already do! It helps a lot

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🔥 🔥 🔥 🔥 🚒

Current state of the server:

@gpollara There are ways to to tell to tweak how it behave, but I have to be very specific about it, otherwise those commands are ignored. I've been screaming into the void basically 😶

@norztekh I'm working on on most weekends which causes some tweets to be lost when redeploying. Can you ping me if this continue during the week with examples?

@m0bi13 Yeah I don’t either. I was thinking of using it for an expendable CDN-like use case.

Has anyone played with the oracle cloud free tier here? Any good or bad experiences?

@booots Yeah I've been optimizing things every weekend, but it's been a race between that and people starting using it! But I should start winning that race again soon

In 99.9% of cases I don't recommend running your own instance, as it increase the moderation workload across the fediverse

So I've been scratching my head for a few days optimizing, and it turns out I've been setting an environment variable with ParallelFediverseRequests when it should have been with ParallelFediversePosts...

Programming is sometime... yeah...

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