@BrodieOnLinux yes I definitely get these in the US. Something from US numbers. Sometimes caller ID says Shanghai.
@dos Safe to assume that phones yet to be shipped will have this firmware update already applied?
@kyle Sooo, Librem Car next?
@kde The comic is great but the image description was riveting :)
@gardiner_bryant You're 55 days after Halloween!
@kop316 how would such a plug in get installed into Phosh? Is it just a .deb?
@gardiner_bryant Maybe Twitter really is all bots :)
@BrodieOnLinux Said like a true micro$hill
@joao Where does one get cool Phosh stickers?
@holypangolin I played and beat this game last night, it was a fun quick game. I really dig the artwork
@kyle Families who LOTR together, stay together.
@purism Thanks for the update
@kyle wait are you a CSO or a fortune teller? Because now I can't tell.
@dos Did you record a video and create a gif from it? Or is this a few pictures that you created a gif from?