Show more well, if the developer cannot fix simple memory corruption via boundary checks (eg running nose) - how can I trust him to fix the backdoor? I'd need to reverse-engineer the whole code to prove the fix indeed doesn't introduce even worse vulnerability (because he doesn't even provide source code, only binary patches).

@mntmn One of those is mine, you do be careful with it! :)

Christmas is here!

> Your order has been shipped

Thanks @mntmn !

@kyle Toyota had subscriptions for a long time now (Remote Connect is one of them), although they are all opt-in. At least in Europe.

@steinarb @fribbledom I use pgsql whenever I have a choice between two, but I have to admit pgsql has much steeper learning curve. Even mysql/innodb is easier to start with (but harder to get it right). On the other hand if you ever worked with oracle - pgsql is an obvious choice (very easy schema transition).

@jcbrand You can move somewhere here to CZ, but better outside of Prague. Even though it's still EU no one gives a sh*t about restrictions once you step out of Prague.

Politics, dishonest politicians 

@mntmn @Truck
If it needs a new motherboard then no, not of much interest as it wouldn't be easily swappable.

Hey, look, my state has changed on @mntmn shop from backorder to this!11 There's a slight hope I get it under the pillow, even earlier than my evergreen (order and model) of

@DeveloperMemes Not only this, but also internet standards. Try to untangle modern cryptography - what is active, recommended, superseded, updated, deprecated. You will never ever figure by simply looking at (what you think might be) relevant standard.

@kyle Thanks for the hint, I missed since it was banned in USSR (at the time I was digesting local district library). And later I was consuming amazon and it didn't pop up somehow (among others in the likes)

@marcel_kolaja Co kdyz zitra to bude mad'arsko nebo bulgarsko? Nebo dokonce italie? Jestli vidite problem ve celoevropske zdravotni pece tak je treba to resit systemove, ne deklarativne/spekulativne. A i bez toho aby davali dalsi duvod polsku tvrdit ze jste bruselsti okupanti.

@marcel_kolaja Ted' treba tu moznost nemaji? Jsem jisty ze cesko jeste pred rokem nabidlo tuto moznost a to bez kopani do zadku koalicnich partneru.

@mntmn something is wrong with horizon line on the cam

@jcbrand I do (they do it publicly) - and they would reply "your proofs are not proving anything therefore your statement is still FALSE!11" :)

@jcbrand In current age of informational noise I'd rather equalize "it's not proven" with "it didn't happen", just because some state-agency became way too efficient in generating "versions" of the multiverse without any proof. But In general I agree, for the sake of clarity the categories must be distinct, even if meaning nowadays is blurred between them.

@purism The world is divided in two categories: those who divide the world in two categories and those that don't.

@mntmn How about local shop? Still showing backorder shipment state.

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