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Who's gaming or developing games on their Librem Laptop and what are you playing or creating?

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with end-to-end encryption, no ads, no tracking and no data sharing? We have what you’re looking for plus more, Librem One: Email, hat, Social, VPN

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Halo Privacy partners with Purism to provide best-in-class secure hardware devices to large enterprise customers in defense, aerospace, and the cryptocurrency/fintech sector

@alexbuzzbee a lot of us were traveling or working on the Halo Privacy partnership, we got a few more posts coming out soon!

@Jelv thank you I have passed it on to the design team 😀

Halo Privacy partners with Purism to provide best-in-class secure hardware devices to large enterprise customers in defense, aerospace, and the cryptocurrency/fintech sector

@se7en@freespeechextremist.cowe run PureOS (sytemd and Wayland) with various things optimized for mobile. We want to give people a great mobile user experience out of the box with default apps and app store ecosystem. This is why we choose GNOME and created libhandy but anyone is be free to change anything or run completely different operating systems if they want to.

@zalandocalrissian not for all apps but those that haven't been optimized for mobile use their default desktop layout. We've put a lot of work into libhandy our library for mobile GTK+ widgets and UI scaling to make it easier for developers to support desktop and mobile from one layout. Quite a few GNOME apps are using it already. thank you for the support we really appreciate it!

@rlaska thank you :) We'll get someone to take some photos of GIMP on the Librem 5!

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Time to install some more software on my Librem 5.

This is fun. :)

that contributes to several free software projects such as , wlroots and ? We've also made dozens of patches to the kernel (5.2, 5.1, 5.0, 4.20) for the and our other hardware

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Librem Social

Librem Social is an opt-in public network. Messages are shared under Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0 license terms. Policy.

Stay safe. Please abide by our code of conduct.

(Source code)

image/svg+xml Librem Chat image/svg+xml