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@purism apps like these is whats going to make mobile linux great, well designed, adaptive, and with a clear purpose. Good work!

@KekunPlazas started his morning with a tea-assist. What are you using your Librem device for today?

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Based on @merge 's accelerometer work ( and yesterday's work to hook iio-sensor-proxy into , enabling rotation is just a couple of more lines of code.

The video shows the devkit but it is the same for the phone. Please excuse the low video quality.

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After adding proximity sensor-support to -sensor-proxy ( and adding runtime-pm support for the chip used in the (and it's devkit) ( we can now wire it up to to fade the screen and prevent keyboard input:

I'm also finishing up my tutorial for the , it runs really well on the Librem 5. I think I will port it to next for comparison. Sean

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I'm publishing an interview with GNOME developer Bilal Elmoussaoui's Read it Later app for the . An excellent example of the community collaborating, even the interview was done by a community member

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@dos @purism Phosh gets better everyday, thanks for keeping less technical people posted with your updates!

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Playing with the new, adaptive version of Clocks, which is really coming together.

Kudos to Allan Day and @snwh for the design, and @bilelmoussaoui and Zander Brown for making it happen!

Jonathan Carter on the "The apps are fast and responsive and just feel natural on this form factor. I’m looking forward again to having a pocket computer that can run Debian." - Random bits from FOSDEM 2020

I'm working on my , editing blog posts, creating a tutorial for the 5, open sourcing the future marketing and kicking off the campaign! Sean

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The pictures of this video are not important, the audio track shows the 's haptic motor triggering on incoming chat messages in :

@haeckse @purism

@karlssons_nicke hi sorry Nicke the 404 should be fixed. What issue were you having with Librem One?

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Ever wanted to develop apps for you phone using your favorite desktop tools and frameworks? This is how easy it is

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Librem Social

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