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Ever wanted to ditch but had no idea how? Get your Librem One account for social, chat and voice or a premium account with mail and and get end-to-end , no tracking, no ads and no data sharing

Our aren’t just amazing and devices, they’re excellent machines with top-notch hardware support. Want to install a different distro? We have a passionate community who share guides and tutorials on our forum

Over the coming weeks leading up to the launch we will be sharing some special stories and photos to get everyone even more excited ;)

Let’s begin inside, here’s the first public photo of the final Librem 5 PCB featured in our CTO’s recent talk at

Forbes’ Linux Laptop Buyer's Guide 2019 “If you want to embrace a company that is decidedly privacy-conscious and strictly embraces open source software, Purism's Librem 13 and Librem 15 laptops are worth considering. They feature hardware kill switches for webcam, Wireless and microphone.”

With a complete Librem One account you get 4 secure and respecting apps for and including Librem Tunnel: A virtual private network tunnel with no logging, ensuring that all your traffic is secure and shielded.

Did you know that with a Librem One account you get end-to-end encrypted chat, VoIP, and video calling used by millions of people

Consent Matters: When Tech Shares Your Secrets Without Your Permission Choose services that have no advertising, tracking or data sharing to begin with. Choose Librem One

: Free International Shipping and $400 (USD) off Librem 13 v4 laptops with UK and DE keyboards. Get the laptop designed to protect your digital life, while stocks last

The Librem 5 team were busy in August: We have a shiny new user friendly terminal and a faster and more stable keyboard. Read the update blog post to find out about all the changes we’ve made

How To Promote Real Social Good - "We believe that consumers who really care about their freedom, privacy, and security, or other issues like climate change, seek out companies like ours that exist, first and foremost, to do something important that can better people’s lives."

Find out more about the design principles of Librem One: Simple, Secure Applications - “The primary appeal of Librem One is that you get privacy without sacrificing convenience.”

Did you know: & support up to 32GB of RAM. What a great reason to take advantage of our sale on UK and German keyboard models. Get the base version for $999 and use those savings to get more ram and a large SSD

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Librem Social

Librem Social is an opt-in public network. Messages are shared under Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0 license terms. Policy.

Stay safe. Please abide by our code of conduct.

(Source code)

image/svg+xml Librem Chat image/svg+xml