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The 'Solstinox FLOSS Appreciation Donation' campaign is an attempt to encourage users to donate a small amount of money to some of their favourite FLOSS projects on the summer/winter Solstices (and also the Equinoxes).

“Many a mickle makes a muckle” is a delightful Scottish proverb - a lot of small amounts, put together, become a large amount - and that’s one of the main ‘thrusts’ of this as a campaign - if lots of people donate a few doubloons then it can really add up and be quite helpful.

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The Solstices and the Equinoxes are fairly arbitrary dates (handily spread out evenly over the year) but could be tenuously tied into the ‘equality’ of the Equinoxes and the ‘tipping point’ of the earth for the Solstices.

They also sometimes show up on calendars and get mentioned in the news, so there’s a little bit of free advertising thrown in as well.

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In the same spirit as when @lunduke declared ‘Linux Thursdays’, I’m hoping that if we were to declare the ‘Solstinox’ as the time of the season to donate to your favourite Free/Libre Open Source Software projects, it might give a little boost of money to help with further development and improvements and also show the developers that their work is appreciated.

The ‘Solstinox FLOSS Appreciation Donation’ campaign is just a working title for it–perhaps someone can come up with something catchier?

PHeLiOn boosted

"The #AttentionEconomy, is in crisis. It’s powered by the wrong #incentives and rewarding the wrong people and will eventually cause a market crash, or worse.
Never in human history have two of the ten largest companies (Facebook and Google) been #advertising businesses.
The current model is inefficient and not properly pricing negative externalities.
There is a chance right now to build this #nextgeneration of media technologies and a new type of holding company."

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PHeLiOn boosted

#OnionShare is a #secure and #anonymous way to share files.

OnionShare uses #Tor onion services to transfer files across the network. Onion services are untraceable and end to end encrypted. Since files to be shared are hosted by the sharer there is no limit on filesize. OnionShare is great for sharing sensitive information without having a cloud platform spying on the data or the transfer.

Website 🔗️:

apt 📦️: onionshare

#free #opensource #foss #fossmendations #security

PHeLiOn boosted

"Rather than remaining insistent and righteous, we can recognise our views as partial understandings of a more complex whole, and work to integrate different and seemingly opposing views. Our polarised culture—on right and left—doesn’t reward this. Yet."

PHeLiOn boosted

Here's a thought... maybe our gov't should ditch the products & services of obstreperous US mega-tech-corps... That way, at least you're not contributing taxpayer funds to their depravity & instead are building up more ethical, local NZ businesses who can do better.

PHeLiOn boosted

I just got reminded: Google, Amazon, and seemingly Apple do not like the (A)GPL.

While these licenses don't ban commercial use (where do you draw the line?), they do require all recipients to pass the software freedom they've benefited from forwards.

As such these monopolists' fear of doing so does not reflect well on them at all.

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PHeLiOn boosted
PHeLiOn boosted

Because it can't be posted enough... The Hubble extreme deep field. With the exception of a few foreground stars from our own Galaxy, every object you see in this image is a galaxy.

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PHeLiOn boosted

Stores can track & target you through your devices using Bluetooth beacons, & they can do so with location data from 3rd party apps like news & weather...

We highly recommend reviewing your mobile apps & opting out of location services wherever possible.

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PHeLiOn boosted
PHeLiOn boosted


This is great #IoT (via Reddit)


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Runs on Librem 5, Day 11 - OpenTTD (Open Transport Tycoon Deluxe)

PHeLiOn boosted
PHeLiOn boosted
PHeLiOn boosted

The number of people predicting the death of Moore's Law doubles every two years.

PHeLiOn boosted
Imagine a world where all the major electronics in your life tried to track your every move and conversation
PHeLiOn boosted

That doesn't mean I don't want to hear about problems, but I don't want to hear only about them. Maybe mix in some positive in the problem report?

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