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petrisch boosted

Is anyone here interested in developing with me a #Python + #GTK app for the #Gnome desktop that addresses the #Nextcloud #Password API? The goal is to develop for #libhandy, so for the #Linux phones like the #Librem5 or #PinePhone. Please feel free to boost.

Do you play table tennis on a

Today visiting the lake of Murten. Great opportunity to use the camera in full summer brightness.
Felt better than what a majority of people around me think is best for our environment. Thats democracy. I have to accept this result. Actually I might think of buying a Humvee as my next car. I thought about selling mine and having none, but now that saving humanity for a little longer doesn't seem to be a goal anyway, having more space for the rest of my time seems appropriate.
@fribbledom @vimja

To the swiss german community out there.
I just opend a merge request on the purism squeekboard for a swiss german layout. I didn't do much actually, so feel free to comment, adjust discuss or share.

I nime itz mau ah dir chöit irgendwas wo tönt wi Schitzerdütsch :-D

Any swiss fellows here who have a hint for a ch-de layout mech keyboard preferably tkl without having to solder myself?

Some nice photos from this sundays trip to the near alps.
For naming one of these mountains you get a free...
ehm, idk virtual hug or so...

Some wisdom in swiss german:
Schiess nid dri mit wii wenn sunnä schii(n)🙈

Quite happy with my homeoffice for now.
Waiting for my librem for convergence stuff, but will probably wait one more year or so :-(

Hm, this should have some text with it, that on mobian somehow didn't post. ;-)

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